grace and peace be upon you, well said Paul. Why Claims of Afterlife Experiences from MANY so-called Christian Books are NOT Reliable, in fact these MANY books & testimonies are Extra-Biblical (Rev 22:18-19) and UNbiblical. Jason K Ellis. Grace is amazing! Other occupants: Jason K Ellis. billiefan2000 Apr 3, 2017 Apr 3, 2017 #1 billiefan2000 Well-Known Member besides he recently was a guest on Sid Roth 's tv show any other red flags on Georgia based pastor Keith Ellis or his church Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe Georgia I have been listening to some very good teaching which I know the Lord led me to but I still was feeling lost so I cried out to him again yesterday morning. Ellis scored a career-high 35 points in an 87-81 loss.. He is also a Senior Pastor and Founder of "Samuel School", a school of Prophetic Training, along with his wife Cheryl. I serve two small little churches and lead worship. HELP. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, BE DISCERNING, BE DILIGENT, and COMPARE EXACTLY what you are Hearing from these False Teachers, along with their False Prophecies (that are Mixed with 80%Truth in their Sermons), and Compare it with Gods Word. will follow you. I am so blessed by your posts and just had to let you know how much they touch my heart and encourage me. Cheryl Ellis Obituary - Stockbridge, GA - Dignity Memorial My book, Out of the Jungle, is one of four free ebooks I give to new subscribers as part of the Grace Pack. Yes, preach the undiluted gospel of grace and pray that they will come to believe/see it. Thanks for a brilliant book and web site. Burial. Im not sure you can feel with your spirit but then theres a lot about the spirit we dont understand. Trust His ability to divinely orchestrate your one-minute encounter so that it comes at the exact time and precise moment when you need it." | Image courtesy: Reviews of "One Minute With God" Book Thats wonderful, Nancy. Thanks. No believer will be left in outer darkness. I believe the truth I am finding there will put me back on track with my relationship with the Lord. god said if you do my commandments, i will be your god. Judging Others Should Christians Judge? One Minute With God: Sixty Supernatural Seconds that will Change Your Thanks. Thanks for giving sinners with poisoned minds what they are looking for grace. I believe baptism is important and we have to be baptized as public declaration of our faith in Christ. Keith Ellis - Account Executive - LanguageLine Solutions - LinkedIn Jakes) CHOO THOMAS [1939-2013](NAR/False Visits To Heaven & Hell) LEROY THOMPSON(WOF)ROBERT TILTON(WOF)ECKART TOLLE Issue: 114 KRIS VALLOTTON (NAR)ANN VOSKAMP [Romantic Pantheism /Issue: 120] C.PETER WAGNER [1930-2016](Founder of:NAR/ False Prophet / Self-Proclaimed Apostle) LANCE WALLNAU (NAR)KATHIE WALTERS (NAR/ Angel Visitations & tickled by Angels, Chariot Rides, Golden Motorcycle Rides w/Jesus in the sky, Occult practices & Astral Travel)RICK WARREN(Seeker-Sensitive / Finds Common Ground w/ Unbiblical Religions)RONALD WEINLAND (False Prophet, False end of the world predictions for 5/2012; He says he & his wife are two witnesses from Rev. Ethan is from Poquoson, Virginia and started working at SonRise in April of 2019. About the Author Dr. Keith Ellis is a Prophet, Seer, Evangelist, and Author. What am I working on now? It is knowing the difference betweenRIGHTandALMOSTRIGHT., NEW! 'We're gonna make an announcement today' . She is a professional photographer and is most passionate about capturing the events at SonRise. May God use you for His glory. ) LARRY HUCH (WOF) BILL HYBELS CINDY JACOBS (NAR) MIKE JACOBS (NAR) T.D. I think the emphasis on turning from sin is misguided. Please adjust your search criteria and try again. KENYONJOHN KILPATRICK (NAR / False Prophet) DAN KIMBALL PATRICIA KING (False Prophet / Mysticism / Occult Teachings /NAR / Latter Rain) KATHRYN KUHLMAN [1907-1976] (WOF)BOB LARSON ROBERTS LIARDON(Exposed as a Homosexual, WOF,False Visits to Heaven)EDDIE LONG [1953-2017] (WOF) LORD MAITREYA GUILLERMO MALDONADO (False Signs & Wonders / NAR / Latter Rain ) BRENNAN MANNINGMARJOE (MARJOE GORTNER) Former Child False-TeacherBRIAN MCCLAREN (Emergent Church) CLARENCE MCCLENDON (WOF /NAR/ False Prophet)AIMEE SEMPLE MCPHERSON [1890-1944] (Founder of the False Teaching: Foursquare Gospel Church)JOYCE MEYER(WOF)JOSHUA MILLS (NAR) BETH MOORE Issue 110A & Issue 110B(Contemplative Prayer, Extra-Biblical, Faulty Biblical Exegesis)DAYNA MULDOON (WOF, False Prophecies & False Visions) MYLES MUNROE [1954-2014] (WOF) STEVE MUNSEY (WOF) MIKE MURDOCK (WOF) ARNOLD MURRAY SHEPHERDS CHAPEL (False Prophet, Believers in: Annihilation & Denies Eternal Hell)JOEL OSTEEN(WOF) DOUG PAGITT (Issue: 99)/(Emergent Church)ROD PARSLEY (WOF) EARL PAULK LUIS PALAU (Problematic.. he has leanings towards Catholicism)-JOHN PAVOLITZ (Heretical & doesnt believe Gods Word), NORMAN VINCENT PEALE CARLTON PEARSON (Promotes: Universalism aka the Gospel of Inclusion) KACOU PHILIPPE (False Prophet who says hes the way of eternal life) CHUCK PIERCE(NAR/ False Prophet)PETER POPOFF(WOF)FRED PRICE(WOF)JOSEPH PRINCE(WOF / Hyper-Grace Movement) PHINEAS QUIMBY DENNIS ROJAS(NAR / False Prophet) ORAL ROBERTS (WOF / False Prophet) RICHARD ROBERTS (WOF / False Prophet) PAT ROBERTSON (False Prophecies) JAMES ROBISON(WOF)SID ROTH (NAR/ Latter Rain /False Visits To Heaven & Hell)ROBERT SCHULLER[1926-2015] (Issue: 18 Self-Esteem, Positive Thinking, etc) R.W. for this reason, i believe it has lead to gross false teachings and practices that gods word was divided into two and re-named testaments. testaments are mere statement of witnessed facts or intentions of one side. He is most passionate about helping people get connected to Jesus, helping them grow to be more like Jesus, and teaching and quipping them to share their faith in Jesus with others. And when you do stumble (as we all do every day), you can rest in Him. The Gospel in Twenty Questions Carl is originally from Aberdeen, Maryland and started working at SonRise in 2016. It is indeed Gods glory to conceal a matter but the honor of man to seek it out. Finally yet importantly, he is a born again . As a pastor and a professor, I worked six days a week and preached on Sundays. Thank You. I have had some days where I have begun to again feel his great joy and love returning to my weary senses. Good to meet another West Aussie who loves grace, Joan. He is a prophet, seer, evangelist, and author. Heaven & Hell is a Real place, but these so-called Christian Books of their many visions of Heaven & Hell are NOT real. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You will find some relevant articles in the Archives > Subject Index under communion. Hi Nancy, thanks for writing. Rev. Brenda Williamson. Tq. @dafgospel on Twitter: "#NP #NowMinistering All Nations Life & Praise Dear Paul, Like Julie, I find it hard to find a local church that teaches Grace. Hand It On: Pastor Keith Richard with Church on the Levee - WAFB This cant be right that we have to confess each and every sin even AFTER we accept Jesus as our lord and savior. Should we turn from it? He was the second child of Leslie & Elizabeth Roper Ellis. 4 Oct 1935. Ive just started a series unpackaging James 2 in light of Romans 4. Thank you so much and nay Gods blessings lift you and reveal to you just how perfect you are in God through Jesus. Where one spends Eternity, in either Heaven or Hell, is far too important a matter to be misled by: False & Unprovable Mystical experiences. Sunday 19/11/12 during a developing theme in worship on no condemnation I quoted Jn 3 17 and asked the question Why is it that the people who should not be condemned, appear to live as the most condemned.. racking up how much time we read our bibles, spend more time praying, give more of our financial resources ,yet still feeling not enough is done for God to be happy . Pastors wife a child molester in their school. Your answer is the only one that makes sense given what Jesus accomplished at Calvary. Unfortunately, I focused on trying to find out what the depression was all about and looked to books by Christian psychologists. PRODUCED by: Justin Peters & SO4J-TV in Orange County, CA SERIES: TRUTH & TRANSFORMATION 7 SHOWS. We are saved by Grace through faith and it is not mans result of following rituals. Keith Ellis Chief Engagement and Growth Officer at IIBA Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2K followers 500+ connections Join to view profile IIBA Lancaster University Websites About Recognized as an. GRANTJOHN HAGEE(WOF / Salvation for the JEWS w/out conversion to Christianity) TED HAGGARD (NAR)KENNETH HAGIN[1917-2003](WOF / NAR / False Visits to Heaven & Hell) JEN HATMAKER CHRISTIAN HARFOUCHE BILL HAMON (NAR/ False Prophet / Signs & Wonders) JACK HAYFORD RUTH HEFLIN MARILYN HICKEY Issue: 40 (WOF) STEVE HILL (NAR) HILLSONG(Embraces WOF & sadly promotes False Teachers such as: Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, etc. Pastor effortlessly takes down Christians' demands for "religious I have bookmark you site to read and mediate on what I discover. Some of her favorite hobbies include baking and cooking. My heart exploded and I very concerned. Blessings! When time permits, Pastor Ellis has been a gospel broadcaster for a local radio station. She loves the people at SonRise and serving is one of her biggest passions. A senior pastor of a megachurch in Detroit who was accused of groping the singer Ariana Grande during Aretha Franklin's funeral service on Friday has apologized. Pastor Keith Ellis Some of her favorite things are spending time with her husband and 2 daughters, going to the beach, iced coffee, Chick-fil-A, and cooking! I like so many have suffered from depression, anxiety and just down right turmoil. Consequently, your point of view is very helpful to me and I want to thank you for all the efforts you have made in publishing a biblical view from the starting point of Gods grace. His power is released when we speak Truth/Him. Her favorite events to capture are the baptisms. You can imagine the surprise when on Friday23/11 Amazon emailed recommendation for The Gospel In Ten Words. In her free time you can find her taking pictures of nature in Ocean City or out on the boat with her family. but then they argued that the thief was under a different covenant. SHOW 5 of 7 HERESIES OF WORD OF FAITH & NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinns Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) on: Are the Word-Faith / New Apostolic Reformation movements in error on secondary issues or do they actually qualify as heretical? SHOW 2 of 7: CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT: DEFINING KEY TERMS Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinns Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) talk about the Key Terms/Definitions of the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel & the mystical New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Adventist Pastor Resigns After Coming Out as Bisexual - NBC News He is most passionate about repurposing all of the buildings so the Lord can reach future generations and in doing so getting new folks plugged into the Kings Craftsmen Team. Dear Paul, He is an editorial consultant for the American Journal of Cardiology and Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention. Keith Ellis | Monroe GA - Facebook Help clear this up. Pastoral Leadership Dr. Dock Hollingsworth Senior Pastor [email protected] 404.591.4344 Rev. I am really enjoying your blogs and info. SHAMBACH (WOF Word of Faith) DUTCH SHEETS(NAR/ False Prophet / Self-proclaimed Apostle) PRISCILLA SHIRER, RUTH CARTER STAPLETON Issue: 83 President Jimmy Carters Sister / Mysticism), RUTH CARTER STAPLETON Issue: 83 President Jimmy Carters Sister / Mysticism) DON STEWART BISHOP TALBERT W. SWAN II (He is from the same moldas: Jeremiah Wright & Al Sharpton who are known as a race-baiters & charlatans he is also loosely a Liberation theology guy). LEONARD SWEET TOMMY TENNEY (NAR) BISHOP WALTER SCOTT THOMAS (WOF Associations with Word of Faith False Teacher: T.D. He is also a Senior Pastor and Founder of "Samuel School", a school of Prophetic Training, along with his wife Cheryl. Grace to you. Im also very disappointed about the heat that Grace preachers like Joseph Prince take. Why not ask the thief on the cross? The Gospel in Ten Words Thanks The Joyner. No matter how loud the band is or how many times the worship leader and minister say Praise the Lord or Glory to God, the absence of Holy Spirit power is palpable and leaves me, too, often feeling sad and lonely. QUOTE by SO4J-TV's PASTOR: JOHN MACARTHUR: "The SELF-ESTEEM CULT that goes around saying we've got to build up people's SELF-ESTEEM is taking them the OPPOSITE way that the Message of the Bible does, because the MORE you LOVE YOURSELF the LESS likely you are to need a Savior.SELF-ESTEEMISM is based on an UNBIBLICAL perspective.It is diametrically OPPOSED to the truth of HUMAN DEPRAVITY. Navigated to your site this morning, thank God! Is it fair and who will be held accountable for those who are receiving only part of the redemption story? How? Maranatha! His perspective is eternal! Deacon Ministry Trustee Ministry Brother . Feel free to share the longer version of your story on a special page called Grace Stories. The teachings of JP have reassured me of this fact and also brought back the fullness, freedom and joy I had when I first recommitted my life to Christ. Well, todays Easter. Hallelujah. Regards from our family to yours. One Minute With God: Sixty Supernatural Seconds that will Change Your There are Believers who are unknowingly being Led Astray & Deceived in their involvement with these False Teachers Ministries (Gal 1:6-10, 2 John 1:10-11). Read the first chapter and it blew my mind. Hi Paul, You might Not understand what is so Wrong with the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel, Catholicism, Emergent Church, and other False Teachings on this page. Adelle M. Banks. Keith centre. The Rapture, Bible Prophecy, and End Times, Keith Olbermann Wants Trump, Cruz, Boebert, and Others Barred from Holding Public Office, A Lawsuit Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Centers Lies, The Other Imam at the South Florida Islamic Center, Islam in Action - Persecution, Terrorism, and More. Dr. Ellis is the Director of Cardiovascular Services and the Director of the Chest Pain Center at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, and has been the Director of Nuclear Cardiology for Diagnostic Cardiology of Houston since 2009.A recognized member of the American College of Cardiology Peripheral Vascular Disease Committee, Dr. Ellis has published a number of scientific manuscripts and . This program will show why you should be very concerned if you have a friend or family member in this movement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hi Brenda, thanks for your comment. Dig Deeper: SCAM ALERT - Wonder Woman & Keith Ellis - Blogger In addition to being senior pastor at his own church, Elevate Church at 1900 North Boulevard, Pastor Keith was also interim pastor at Living Waters Outreach Ministries in Baton Rouge. Brother Neil, and nephew Heath in 2008. He is after our heart. //FROM SO4J-TV:Everything we are saying on this page we say these things out ofLOVE(Ephesians 4:15)especiallyfor Gods people (2 Timothy 2:23-26)HISSheep (John 10:3-17,26-29) those who might have StrayedUnknowinglyinto these False Teachings (READ MORE). Freinds dont want to read when pushed to give email info. You can find them in the Archives > Subject Index. Keith Ellis was born in 1946. . Keith Butler was ordained as a minister of the gospel in 1974. How to share E2R, Copyright 2023 Is there school on groundhog day? Hi Paul. May the Lord Bless You, Strengthen You, and Give you (us too) Great Discernment as Cling to JESUS & Trust in Gods Word in an age of Apostasy & Deception (Matt 24:11, 2 Tim 4:3-4). I have been learning about Grace from Andrew Womack, Joseph Prince & Gregory Dickow. >>> QUICK LINK TO THE:FALSE TEACHERS LIST<<<>>> QUICK LINK TO:CRITICAL ISSUES COMMENTARIES(off this page)<<<, QUESTION:Do you haveBIBLICAL DISCERNMENTandCOMPAREwhat youre beingTAUGHTwithGODS WORD? Walsall, West Midlands, WS5. Plenty CONFUSED. So blessed to come across your articles and discover someone who views things from a GRACE position. Despite the many problems or outright deceptions of these so-called claimed visits to Heaven and Hell, the Bible tells us clearly that Heaven & Hell ARE real places where every single person that has ever lived will spend Eternity in. what i do find is that the preachers or guest preachers are not interpreting the bible correctly and sometimes tend to take scripture out of context. Be encoraged pure grace is the only way.Amazing life in JESUS. Read the latest articleto find out. You must log in or register to reply here. By. Thank God that things are changing: the light is dawning on our hearts, one by one, more and more. Debbie Remines Teacher. LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN WHAT IS A LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN? Charismatic Christian Center is a non-denominational full gospel church. Required fields are marked *. Keith Battle (@KeithBattle) / Twitter This article may help. Both he and his wife, Kristy, are passionate about connecting people to Jesus. I agree with that. SonRise Church - MD - Staff My books on grace have been published in a dozen languages and won awards. I am from Christchurch, NZ, so very surprised when I read you are a Cantabrian! Ellis Ministries Blog | A Ministry of Miracles! Forced to rest, I learned something about grace and began writing a blog called Escape to Reality (E2R). A different Jesus constitutes a different gospel. true repentance includes conviction to live life the way our lord and savior showed us by his life: totally obedient to gods law and that is why he is pronounced sinless. READ HERE:Judging Others Should Christians Judge? And then to track your blog and find you have indeed returned to NZ. I came across your site while surfing the web for J. All purchase options for my books can be found here. Many well known Evangelists & Preachers have Publicly Prophesied on TV, in their Books, etc. Its actually a work of the flesh. 11) JASON WESTERFIELD (False Prophet /NAR/New Age Mystic & Occult Practices / Astral Travel &Angel Visits) ELLEN G. WHITE [1827-1915] (Founder of the False Teaching & Cult ofSeventh Day Adventist/She had approximately 2,000 visions & dreams / Sabbath Keeper. Keith Ellis - YouTube Part of that Deut 13:1-18 Test is: Will you simply Trust & Obey Gods Word, or will you walk in a way that blindly Trusts & Follows people whoclaim to be Christians(Matt 7:21-23), those claiming to have aSpecial Revelation or Word from Godfor you or others (but their Beliefs are not in line with Gods Word); or Prophecies (that dont come true); Visions (that dont line up with Gods Word 100%); Hearing the Audible Voice of Jesus (but what they actually Believe does not line up with Gods Word); People who claim theyve Seen & Been with Jesus or claim to have been to Heaven or Hell (but the story doesnt match up with Gods Word 100%). She is most passionate about learning peoples stories and especially when she has the opportunity to help share those stories with our church. Rev. Dr. M. Keith McDaniel, Sr. | Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church This of couse makes me crazy because how can I remember to confess everytime I sin? No content from may be Richard Keith Ellis, FRS (born 17 November 1949) is a British theoretical physicist, working at the University of Durham, and a leading authority on perturbative quantum chromodynamics and collider phenomenology. I see you care deeply about Truth. Regarding the Grace Pack, see this. Hi Paul. Hello I believe in a Grace message. The Gospel in Ten Words Tenth Anniversary, How to Get Pauls New Book Before It Goes on Sale, New Testament Scriptures Used to Support Original Sin.