However, they can seriously injure them when they recognize that the babies are not theirs, also because they are intimidated and territorial. Although guinea pigs need the presence of other guinea pigs, attention from human beings is also essential for their well-being. Additionally, when her babies are born she may eat them in order to prevent them from taking up the little space she has. We knew for sure that we had one male and two females, but it was still hard for us to tell with the fourth guinea pig. It is important to make sure that the pups begin nursing within the first few hours of birth. Guinea pigs can jump over obstacles but these, When they recognize they are in danger, guinea pigs stand in one place for a long time then suddenly run very fast with a darting movement. If it is found that they experience sadness after their young have been weaned, it would suggest that we take extra care in handling this process. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Spinach Or Is It Bad For Them? As noted above; Guinea Pigs are highly vocal and use their voice to express their personality. But another remarkable thing about baby guinea pigs is just how grown up their appetites are! It will also well as putting her at risk for developing diseases like toxaemia. If she is pregnant, her chances of suffering from some illness will also increase, which will tempt her to eat a lot. Its natural for you and me to humanize the behavior of animals. The size of the pups is often relative to how many pups there are in the litter. So your guinea pig is pregnant. Expect to pay around $10 to $40 on average, though this can vary depending on factors such as age and coloring. At first your guinea pig baby may seem afraid when you pick him up. It can therefore be tempting to pick up and cuddle the little babies right away! Compared to other rodents, guinea pigs (both in captivity and in the wild) will very rarely choose to eat their offspring. Unlike many other animals in the animal kingdom, guinea pigs are not self-sufficient. Hamsters and rats are famous for such practice. You might even have witnessed them start to join in with social grooming by this point. Do Guinea Pigs Miss Their Owners? The answer to this question is not entirely clear. 11. While it might not be anything to worry about, sometimes it can be a sign of sickness. She checked each one of them and licked them clean immediately following their birth. Honestly, I dont feel like its worth the risk. They Talk to You A.K.A. Can the male guinea pig stay with the mother and babies? However, both males and females can mature and be fertile even earlier. (Find Out Now), Filial Cannibalism (and 7 Reasons Why Some Animal Moms Dine On Their Babies). If they are isolated, they may become lonely and sad. If you are just considering the idea of owning guinea pigs, ensure that you already have the capacity to take care of them and also provide them with quality interplay. Make sure your pig has a lot of food. Hold him against your chest to help him feel secure and safe. Babies grow fast. Well chart the milestones of their first days and weeks, and find out what to expect if you discover your female guinea pig is expecting. How Old Are Guinea Pigs Before Leaving Their Mother? - Oddly Cute Pets (n.d.). This is extremely taxing on the body of the female guinea pig and dangerous to her. Pet owners know that keeping a guinea pig as a pet is a wonderful experience. Will Your Guinea Pig Eat Her Babies? (What You Need To Know) Medical Disclaimer. Once they are one to two finger-widths apart, it wont be long untilbirth.. If you have a pregnant guinea pig, consider giving the her cage an upgrade, so she can take care of her pups comfortably. Begin by holding your guinea pig gently on their back. Certainly not, they only remember their parents for a particular period. Normally, they could be 3-6 inches long. Provide Your Sow with a Stress-Free Environment, Remain Vigilant During the First Twenty Four Hours, Keep The Babies With Their Mom As Much As Possible, Can You Put A Baby Guinea Pig With An Older One? New babies are born with teeth, claws, and fur. If your guinea pig consistently has enough extra food, the chances of her needing to eat her pups drop to near zero. What Are Common Health Problems in Guinea Pigs? Guinea pigs cannot survive alone. Getting guinea pigs used to handling from an early age is an important part of rearing confident, relaxed pets. Having your guinea pig give birth to a litter should be an exciting time. Male guinea pigs have a donut-shaped opening. Also, male guinea pig may kill the babies if he doesnt recognize them as his own offspring. This can happen if the guinea pig is not being fed enough timothy hay, pellets, vitamin C supplements, etc. This is especially true if pet parents have not given their pregnant sow enough food. Try to provide your pet with the extra company as much as you can, even if only for a short period of time. A fully grown guinea pig is between 20 and 25 cm long. Theyre sweet, juicy, and tasty. Many people believe that guinea pigs get attached to their owners and that they miss their parents when they are separated. But whether youre raising a litter from birth or buying an older baby guinea pig for sale, getting prepared in advance is the best way to make sure you provide them with the best start in life. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is provide your guinea pig with plenty of love and attention, so it doesnt feel lonely. They're all grown now, but they keep me busy! A particular substance comes from the eyes of a guinea pig; they rub it on their hair when they are grooming. This can hurt their health and well-being. 15 Best Pet Freshwater Fish For Beginners. If a guinea pig mother cannot nurse her babies due to illness or death, keep the orphans with as many pet guinea pigs as possible. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies? What Makes Them Do That And How To (Fun Facts). They have learned quite a few life skills from their mother and are ready to go to their new homes. Why Do Guinea Pigs Whine (Is It Normal, What It Means) Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). Its easy to achieve in the first two weeks by keeping the whole litter together with their mom, but next week its time to start thinking about separating them. Guinea pigs mature quickly and will begin to nibble the hay, pellets and veggies fed to their mother within 24 hours. Yes, guinea pigs miss their owners. 25 Sweet & Silly Guinea Pig Names - Do guinea pigs remember their parents? If the litter is too large, the mama ., If you know anything about guinea pigs, you know they love to play. Feed the guinea pig pups for the first 5 days around the clock every 4 to 5 hours. Never again hear the dreaded sounds of your guinea pigs angry squeaks because you forgot to clean out their cage or feed them on timefor the fourth day in a row. Theyre filled with Vitamin C and other essential nutrients that guinea pigs need. Equally, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their babies because they dont eat meat. They also live for several years, longer than most other rodents, so you can enjoy them longer than other pet rodents. Breeding and reproduction of Guinea pigs All other pets Merck veterinary manual. They look a little bit awkward as they begin to move around. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Let's hear it for the boys. Guinea pigs are docile small animals. After your guinea pig has given birth, shell clean up the evidence left behind to stop predators from tracking down their scent. But, stick with me. How long does it take for a baby guinea pig to walk? Or house her with a neutered male to prevent future pregnancies. By giving them enough time with their mother, you reduce the risk that she will reject them. Theres no fixed moment when a guinea pig stops being a pup and becomes an adult. Six or seven weeks old is the age at which most breeders will let their pups go to their new homes. This is a question that has long been debated when it comes to guinea pigs. How long do guinea pig babies stay with mom? However, if its weak it might put up little resistance and be eaten entirely. That way she doesnt have to deal with the stress of more pregnancies. My name is Tim Rhodes and I'm a guinea pig enthusiast through thick and thin. We kept a close eye on Theo as her due date approached. In fact, loneliness reduces the life expectancy of a guinea pig. In captivity, they cannot run away, which increases the stress. How Do Guinea Pigs Reproduce? (Breeding, Complications & More) An adult female guinea pig will never harm or eat newborn babies. 3 hours ago WebBaby Guinea Pig Diet The first week of life is critical. Stress can cause guinea pigs to eat their babies, and stress-induced cannibalism is also very common in guinea pigs, and unfortunately, quite unavoidable at times.Do your best to keep them well fed and give them plenty of rest so they can stay calm. Do mother guinea pigs miss their babies when they are given away? Here are some reasons why animals eat their offspring. the babies are doing so well and are so healthy.#guineapig #babies #cuteSong: Sapphe. Some guinea pigs are more likely to nuzzle or groom people or other guinea pigs. This will stop the mother from continuing to feed on them, and it will prevent the risk of diseases through decomposition. Caring for a guinea pig can be challenging if you are unsure whether it is missing its baby. The standard litter can range from one to six little pups, with an avg. Make sure any seller houses male and female guinea pigs separately, or there could be a chance you'll take home a pregnant female. And make sure that the guinea pig mother is not present. Your guinea pig's individual personality will likely play a big role in this. Guinea pig pregnancy seems short to us, but in fact it lasts a remarkably long time for their size. Do Guinea Pigs Recognize Their Owners? (How to Tell) Sows must also have a constant supply of hay (alfalfa for the extra calories) and pellets. Many others survive but have problems.Additionally, theres thousands (if not tens of thousands) of piggies without good homes now. Newborn Baby Guinea Pigs: What to expect? (it's not what you think) When a guinea pig is malnourished, it means that the guinea pig is not getting enough of the vitamins and nutrients that its body needs. Your guinea pig wont eat its babies if you touch them. CLICK HERE to check the price. When the pregnant guinea pig is about to give birth, the male guinea pig must be separated from her because, within 12 hours after giving birth, she can become pregnant again. During our research we learned that there are two possible reasons why: This was one question that had me really worried. (2010, July 22). A mix of alfalfa and timothy hay could keep the mother full and prevent this from happening. Although guinea pigs occasionally sneeze, frequent sneezing is a sign of pneumonia, especially in response to climate change. Guinea pigs may miss their parents, but more research must confirm this. Guinea Lynx :: A Medical and Care Guide for Your Guinea Pig. In a pet situation, the male may be in the same guinea pig cage as the female and her newborns, and there is no way for the mother to move the pups away from . Guinea pigs are not only kept as family pets, but like dogs, cats and rabbits, they are also bred for show. Garner-Richardson, V., Guinea Pig Nutrition, The Veterinary Nurse, 2013. Following delivery, your guinea pig mama will be exhausted and hungry. Its understandable to feel that way. After three weeks, baby guinea pigs can be separated from their mother and placed with other guinea pigs or their owner. Also, female guinea pigs eat their young if they are overstressed and afraid because they cannot handle the situation. Do Guinea Pigs Remember Their Siblings, Names, Owners & More More research must be conducted to determine whether or not guinea pigs truly miss their babies when they are apart. Merck Veterinary Manual. Female baby guinea pigs on the other hand have a y-shaped genital opening, set much closer to the anus. However, we always recommend having more than one guinea pig because these small animals are social creatures and they need company. Spaying a female guinea pig can be a risky procedure that not all veterinarians are willing to attempt. Yes, it is okay to touch your new baby guinea pigs. Also, male guinea pig may kill the babies if he doesn't recognize them as his own offspring. Guinea pig babies are born quickly. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies - And How To Prevent It! The surprising truth is that it happens more often than youd think. Guinea pigs can be aggressive towards each other if they are not adequately trained., Care of pregnant Guinea pigs. Rather, they belong to a rodent species called cavies. Newborn guinea pigs weigh only 100 grams but they grow quickly. Baby guinea pigs are capable of digesting solid food very soon after birth (within hours). At three weeks of age it was still hard for us to tell the difference between the males and females. Guinea pig litters can contain up to eight pups, but two, three or four is more usual. Give herenough food as she needs nourishment, so never have her food bowl empty. Any sudden movement or noise can scare them. (Find Out Now),,,,,,,, Removing the male guinea pig(s) will also. As they grow, baby guinea pigs will require extra calcium to help their bones develop properly. When your guinea pig is pregnant her Vitamin C requirements double to around 20mg per day. If you are considering getting a guinea pig, ensure you can provide them with the social interaction they need. Many time, the pup gets killed accidentally and the mother eats it because she has a survival instinct. After birth, Guinea pig sows can become pregnant again within hours. Guinea pigs are tailless rodents that weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs. That is a common myth and is not true. Individuals will be starting to show their own distinct personalities too. Ive wondered it myself. Newborn Guinea Pigs Pups Care, Feeding, Vaccines, and More - The Big Zoo Calcium can be found in alfalfa hay or alfalfa-based pellets, timothy hay and oranges. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the water bottle at least once per week. Alternatively, you can contact local small animal shelters and ask if they have any baby guinea pigs for adoption. (Benefits, Risks, Servings & FAQs), Baytril For Guinea Pigs (Side Effects, Efficacy, Dosage & FAQs), Signs Your Guinea Pig Hates You (Top 7 & And How to Fix It). (What Owners Need To Know)Continue, If you notice drool on your guinea pigs face it can be a sign that somethings wrong. Remember to remove any they leave, as it will spoil quickly. Not only that, but they also have a full body of fur, and even their little claws are developed. Wed love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below! One reason why a guinea pig mother might eat one of her pups is that she is extremely malnourished. Why Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies? - Clever Pet Owners Yes, guinea pigs eat their babies albeit very rarely, mostly by accident. When we discovered that our guinea pig was pregnant we had so many questions about newborn baby guinea pigs and what to expect once they were born. Guinea pigs have a good sense of hearing, so they will potentially even be able to hear you coming from down the hall. Copyright 2021 - 2023 Guinea Pig Den | Jennifer Franklin Media LLCThis site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. A typical guinea pig pup weighs between 60 and 115 grams and measures close to 3 to 5 inches long. On the other hand if youll be helping a sow to raise a litter of pups from birth, theres rather more to think about. Give the orphaned puppy the same amount of water and evaporated guinea pig milk. Pets. It is important to consider the space between the bars of your guinea pig cage. They will understand. Some have lengthy, silky hair, and others have brief, tough coats. Look quickly because guinea pigs are not happy being held this way. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (700 to 1,100 grams), according to the Animal Diversity Web (ADW). Signs of Guinea pig loneliness, depression, and boredom include hair chewing, hiding, refusing to be handled, and general irritability. Do guinea pigs miss their babies? However, this would put a huge amount of strain on her body and her mental stamina. She is then back to cuddles and snuggles. Home - Guinea Pigs - Do Guinea Pigs Miss Their Owners? Guinea pigs make eleven different call types. Your Baby Guinea Pig What To Expect And How To Look How long do guinea pig babies stay with mom? Guinea pigs can eat their babies if they lack nutrition. This is for several reasons: You should find this post helpful: Can A Father Guinea Pig Be With The Babies? Guinea pigs don't wheek in the wild.