I didn't. I have always wanted to know how to cut my Baileys inner ears. However, it is imperative that you trim the hair around the eyes for your dog's eye health. You may also want to try a detangler. For around the eyes, start with blunt-tipped scissors, gently trimming away the hair above them. I give Chloe plenty of treats and praise. Using dog clippers with a 1 inch (2.5 cm) guard on them, clip the entirety of the dog's body. Id learned how to trim a G. face from a grooming pro, and wed met the friendly team from Wahl Animal. Ear cleaner made for dogs is typically available at pet stores or through your veterinarian. 3. How to Trim a Goldendoodle's Face (2023) - We Love Doodles Heres a good video on how to do that: In the video above, we clip the head, neck, and face to match the length of the body. After a good brush down, bath, and blow dry, youll be ready to start trimming your Doodle withhigh-quality animal clippers. This style is similar to the kennel cut but with a modification on the back. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. Don't worry! A doodle covered in mats means a shaved down puppy, regardless of whether you prefer the shorn look or not. Gradually pull small portions of hair down with the brush. F1b Goldendoodles are either: The majority of the time a F1b Goldendoodle will be an F1 Goldendoodle mixed with a full breed Poodle. You can use a wet cloth or, With our easy to follow instructions and helpful tips, you will be able to, When it comes to mixing breeds, the result is more like mixing Skittles than paint. Gently brush your doodle's face using a steel comb. This is to mimic the back of a Stegosaurus. Rinse your dog until there is no shampoo or suds left in its fur. Use a #30 or #40 blade by itself for the closest shave. But thanks to the Wahl Animal team and to Suesan Watson, a Wahl ELITE team member and Certified Master Groomer, Im now more comfortable grooming Chloe. I explained that trimming Chloes Goldendoodle face had always been my biggest hurdle. Suesan Watson is a third-generation pet stylist with a 40-year career in helping pets look their best. Sometimes people wonder whether a groomer actually could get all of the mats out of their doodle and is simply taking the lazy route by shaving her. Goldendoodle Grooming at Home: 11 Steps to Take Step 1) Have the Right Tools on Hand For a successful home groom, first make sure you have the necessary Goldendoodle grooming tools on hand. But it doesn't take long that one cute curl to become an entire tuft of hair, hiding her eyes and blocking her vision! We're the hands and paws behind our blog, Happy-Go-Doodle. I continue to take Chloe to the groomer for special occasions and for sanitary trims, which I hope to learn soon! She earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Hawaii Pacific University in 2007. Then chop off the excess beard using your blunt tipped scissors and trim the hair around her in an oval shape. It's almost a trademark characteristic of goldendoodles. The curlier the Goldendoodle, the greater the percentage of Poodle in the dog. Goldendoodle hair, like any dogs hair, can be tricky to cut. Heres a good tutorial video on how to clip and trim the legs, feet, and paws: If the clipper wont achieve the look you want for your Doodles legs and feet, feel free to hand-trim by using your grooming scissors. After you pat your dog down, allow your dog to air dry for a couple of hours. Ears: the general standard is that the length of the ear if pulled forward should be just a tad bit shorter than the nose. Thank you for your support! Best Grooming Scissors and Grooming Kits for Goldendoodle Cuts However, her accolades dont stop there. Lucky for you, we have a video tutorial series on DIY full-body grooming that will guide you through the entire process of Doodle grooming. Cut at an angle, like a downward V. Since the cut line will be blunt, a pair of thinning shears will help it look shaggier. He looks like a totally different dog after he gets groomed! I had no idea that a surprise mini course on how to trim a Goldendoodles face would be part of our experience at the BlogPaws Pet Blogging and Social Media Conference. The curlier the coat type of your Goldendoodle, the more often he/she will have to be groomed. This will help to remove any rough, choppy, or uneven patches of hair and give a nice finish. Regardless of whether you choose to have your doodle professionally groomed or choose to try your hand at grooming your doodle at home, there are a few basic grooming skills that are necessary for every doodle owner. My favorite tool for trimming the hair around doodle's eyes is a pair of thinning shears because they help cut away unwanted hairs without leaving a distinct line. Cutting goldendoodle face hairs. Goldendoodle Grooming at Home: Video Tutorial Step-by-Step Guide! These three different types are what could make your Goldendoodle look different from your neighbors Goldendoodle. Im grateful that, through our hair cutes, Chloe and I share another bond, a chance to be a team. Learn the Right Way to Trim your Dogs SANITARY Area! Seen them with fan tails like shit zus and lhaso apso's. So they can be groomer very differnt. Chloe is a happy-go-lucky Goldendoodle and my name is Jenise. How to Trim a Goldendoodle Face: Tips from a Wahl ELITE Groomer Goldendoodles hair can come in many different colors. If you have problems grooming your goldendoodle, you should take it to a professional groomer. However, the same clipping techniques apply when using clipper combs. See Also: (Click the image) Step 2) FIRST and Foremost: Line Brush When bathing a goldendoodle, start by washing her face with a wet washcloth at the head and work toward the tail. Goldendoodles have letter and number labels to let people know the genetic makeup of their dogs. Or maybe you just want to save some cashafter all, those trips to the groomer arent cheap! Goldendoodle Grooming Secrets: The Presidential Cut And More - PawShore.com Once your have removed the bulk of the excess hair, using your thinning shears to blend your lines. Once your have removed the bulk of the excess hair, using your thinning shears to blend your lines. Less is more a drop or two goes a long way. Also be sure to clip all of the little areas, such as around the base of the legs and hind legs. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Doing a maintenance trim will help decrease the frequency of your doodle's grooming appointments, so the dog clippers will quickly pay for themselves. Goldendoodles tend to get ear infections easily, so drying their ears is important. Thank you so much for posting this article! So, without another thought, Chloe jumped up on the grooming table and we took advantage of a golden opportunity. With this hairstyle, your dog will have rounded features, such as rounded ears, rounded cheeks, and even rounded paws. Immediately, I could see that Chloe was comfy under her care. Hair starts blocking her vision. I am a passionate Goldendoodle dog mom and dog blogger who is part journalist, part photographer, and 100% lover of dogsespecially the comical, smart Goldendoodle. I had attended a pet blogging conference in the past and I knew that many brand sponsors shared products and tips. I didnt think it could get better. 9 Easy-to-Maintain Goldendoodle Haircuts - Travelling With A Dog Run the clippers through the fur on each side of the cheeks. Truly, the groomer may be looking out for your doodle's best interest. Once you are generally happy with the overall shape, again use your thinning shears to blend your lines. You will need to brush, groom, and trim your Goldendoodle's hypoallergenic coat regularly to . Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Its whatever you think is cute, so be sure to communicate what you want clearly to your groomer (or to yourself if youll be doing the grooming)! Goldendoodle Hair: All You Need To Know About Your Goldendoodle's Coat Having a straight coat type will lead to only having to brush your dog rather than having to get him/her groomed. This way your dog can become comfortable with the groomer, and the groomer can be comfortable with your dog. Using the scissors you will: It could also be helpful to have a pair of trimming scissors on hand. There's no right answer to this question. So I wanted to take this opportunity to give my thoughts on such a [], [] Grooming at Home: a Step-by-Step Guide! With her new hair cute, Chloe was ready for the evening red carpet event and awards banquet that capped off the BlogPaws conference and celebrated pets and the people who love them. If you trim your dogs sanitary. For tips on how to trim your dog's muzzle, read on! (Kudos to Chloe for standing patiently.) Don't freak out, and try to cut your groomer a little slack. Thats when the light bulb came on and I asked Suesan for her guidance. If your clipper sometimes does not cut through hair, it could be because the clipper is not powerful enough, it could also be that your blades are dull. Take matters into your own hands and learn to give your Doodle the exact haircut YOU want with this valuable online course! Expert Interview. What a golden moment. Be careful when trimming the fur around the eyes. Be sure to (carefully) shave the hair out from between the paw pads and toes, too. This article has been viewed 15,564 times. We want to share all our information with you so you can be confident Goldendoodle parents! Use a coat conditioning spray to keep your Goldendoodle smelling fresh in between groomings. [], [] love grooming Chloe myself at home most of the time, but there are times when I just have to take her to the groomer. The dino cut is a fun and silly Goldendoodle haircut. You want to avoid cutting into the quick, which is the blood vessel inside the nail. Thinning shears are useful for blending your pups fur after cutting with grooming scissors to give a natural, organic look. It's cold outside and she's not quite ready for a full groom, but poor Chewie can hardly see. In the above video, we show you how to clip the entire top-half of your dog, including the back, back of the neck, chest, and upper hind legs. A metal comb works best for curly coated doodles while a grooming rake may work well for wavier coated doodles. % of people told us that this article helped them. Keeping your Goldendoodle at a shorter clip can help with managing the health and appearance of your pet's coat. Multigenerational Goldendoodle puppies come from a generational line where the parents and grandparents are Goldendoodles also. 20 Most Popular Goldendoodle Haircuts of 2022 (with Pictures) Shes much more poodle then golden. Click the play button below to watch Suesan Watson demonstrate trimming a Goldendoodles face, The happy-go-doodle ending: Trimming Chloes Goldendoodle face, BlogPaws Pet Blogging and Social Media Conference. Typically this is around 1 inch (2.5cm) long. Gently fold back the ear. A special thanks to Suesan for kindly sharing her expert tips with us during the BlogPaws conference. Take extra care with these areas and be patient. Goldendoodle Hair Types: Attributes, Coat Color, and Care Use your fingers or a comb to pull the nose bridge hairs upward. The teddy bear cut is one of the most popular and cutest Goldendoodle haircuts. And there you have it. To groom a goldendoodle, brush your dog once a day to remove debris and detangle its fur. However, a grooming table is not totally necessary, as long as you can maneuver your body when needed. If you don't already have them, you will want to purchase: a slicker brush, a steel comb, and nail clippers (see below to learn about different types of nail clippers). To care for this coat, you need to groom the dog regularly. Don't use shampoo that is made for humans. Another name for the straight coat Goldendoodle is the improper or flat coat due to there being no curls. It will be helpful to push their hair towards their head to see if you missed any areas. In theory, grooming a goldendoodle at home seems easy all you need is a good brush, good clippers, and a good place to do it, right? Marie has over 10 years of pet grooming experience specializing in dogs and cats. https://doodledoods.com/diy-dog-grooming-table/, If your clipper sometimes does not cut through hair, it could be because the clipper is not powerful enough, it could also be that your blades are dull. We're happy you stopped by to read our article! 6-12 weeks is more for if a dog has a shorter coat. References I cant seem to find the video You mention on how to care for your clippers before, during, and after the grooming. Unless the lashes are obstructing your dog's vision, trimming isn't a necessity. When shampooing your dogs face, try to use a tearless or puppy shampoo. However, I was so surprised when, as we visited with the friendly team from Wahl Animal, they offered to trim my doggos hair on the spot! If mats are found, then you can add cornstarch to the matted area, then go back and use the slicker brush, then the comb once again. Use safety scissors if youre nervous about cutting around your dogs eyes. Goldendoodles can be professionally groomed, or as the owner, you can groom your dog yourself. She holds a BS in Anthropology from Loyola University and an MA in Anthropology from Northern Illinois University. This will help blend the haircut. Goldendoodle grooming process Step 1. Apply the soap to a cotton ball or Q-tip and gently clean the inside of their ears. The information on this page is for informational purposes only. Enjoy! She picks up so much grass when she goes out to play that Im cleaning my floors several times a day. This article was co-authored by Marie Lin. How to Groom a Goldendoodle in the Face | Cuteness How To Trim A Goldendoodle's Face Yourself If you decide to get a puppy, you should have a fairly good idea of what your puppy will look like based on the parents. Carefully snip the hair off the muzzle until you feel happy with the length. The Goldendoodle's coat texture and coloring, which depend on the pup's parents' genetics, may be apricot, reddish-brown, cream, gold, black, or multi-colored. Hi, loves your videos, thanks so much. Using your blunt tipped scissors, carefully trim the hair trim away from your goldendoodle's eyes at an angle, as shown in the picture. How to Remove Mats From Between the Paw Pads With Clippers Video Tutorial, Guide to the Best Clippers for Doodles (+ Best Blades and Clipper Combs), DIY Doodle Face Groom (Speed-Through Tutorial Video), Best Blades For Dog Grooming at Home + Blade Safety Guide, DIY Dog Grooming: How to Trim Around the Eyes (Video), Doodle Dog Grooming Kit: 12 Necessary DIY Grooming Tools, Why Is My Dogs Beard Turning Brown? The curlier your Goldendoodle's coat, the more hypoallergenic your dog will be. Then, using just a pair of scissors, trim the hair around their ear canal. Tufts of hair in front of the eye can block your dog's vision and possibly irritate the eyes. This article was co-authored by Deanne Pawlisch, CVT, MA. Dog shampoo is formulated specifically for dogs and will not strip the natural oils from their fur and skin. Last Updated: July 10, 2022 Goldendoodle hair can be curly, wavy, or straight. If youre wondering how to trim a Goldendoodles face, youve come to the right place. If your dog is anxious, you may need to restrain it a bit to successfully trim this fur without hurting the dog. Email Us: goldendoodles@timberidgefarms.com, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Focus on patches of fur that are longer than the rest of your dog's ear hair. Or, you can read on for the cliff notes version. You can do it! You wont know which characteristics the Lil pups will take from their parents; usually, this wont be apparent until the puppy grows up a bit. Id learned how to trim a Goldendoodles face from a grooming pro, and wed met the friendly team from Wahl Animal. So that What is the problem of my Wahl KM10? Chloes hair trim truly was a golden momentthe kind that comes along when you have a Goldendoodle dog with an adventurous spirit by your side. So how can you bond with your dog by learning to trim your doodle at home? Make sure your dog is calm and not moving before attempting to use clippers around that area of fur so that you don't accidentally injure its eyes. Again tThanks, Your email address will not be published. Trim the cheeks so they will look short similar to the nose. Your dog probably wont be happy when you try to remove mats. "I looked at this article because I wanted to get my golden doodle groomed without spending much money. These Goldendoodles will be found in the groups after the original F1 group. Goldendoodles make playful loving pets. [2] In this video I will show you the easy way to trim the hair away from your dogs eyes, butt and stomach! It's been a while since your goldendoodle's last grooming appointment, and she's beginning to resemble Chewbacca. Focus on each cheek. Everyone Goldendoodle owner should have a comb. It's the goldendoodle trademark! Maybe youre wanting to reduce your allergies. Where was my say yes attitude? Last Updated: December 20, 2021 Start by wetting your dog's ears with a mild soap and warm water. How to cut your Goldendoodles hair at home | Groom Your Doodle BONDBEAUTYS JUNGLE 7.6K subscribers Subscribe 1K Share 106K views 2 years ago #Bondbeautyful #BondbeautysJungle #Goldendoodles How. Also, a professional groomer with a steady hand may be your best bet if your Goldendoodle's eyelashes do need a trim. The clippers you use on your own head will overheat and wear out quickly trimming your doodle's coat. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional groomer advice. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. When trimming the nail, don't cut off very much. This is purely based on personal preference. Show more Show more How to Remove Matted Doodle Dog Hair Behind. For instance, since blades by themselves take off most of the hair and cut closer to the skin than clipper combs, it may not make much sense to spend all that time bathing and blow drying your Doodle, only to clip all their hair off in the end. 11 Facts About the Goldendoodle - The Spruce Pets Shes a Certified Master Groomer, a Wahl ELITE (Experts Leading Innovation, Technology, and Education) team member, and yes, groomer of the year at the Westminster Dog Show! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Doodle Doods. Never put the clippers inside of the dog's ear or you may accidentally injure your dog. Sometimes, the hairs between the paw pads will be matted, so take extra care here. 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