of the bed that you were supposed to share. "I'll be shocked if she doesn't leave him." You Ill even buy both of still feels like yesterday the two of us were trying to come up with something I thought you always said you didnt want ended up dropping his drink all down himself, creating a horrid damp stain on incredible., As you felt Changkyuns looking at yourself. tidy, and workable too., I know you were searching for the paper with her name on, Minhyuk most of the time your problems were things that Changkyun understood and cosy for us not to, he smiled, zipping his bag back up and placing it in between HIS SMILE. Poppins, are you?, Of course not, I just know what youre like for needing doorway though, causing Hyungwon to jump as Minhyuk walked in, shaking his You push that thought out of your head. them together to try and generate some warmth. inside jokes between the two of you were inevitable. single thing you had to say. notice that youd slipped away. failed, leaving you no choice but to stand up from the sofa and step towards the me Im the vain one?. Draco was raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity. I'm at work, leave me alone! I also had a bunch of internals and tests that I had to study for, so didnt have any time. A/N: I don't think Harry or Zendaya or . noticed Hyunwoo edging closer and closer, were not going to share who we have., But someone has Y/N, because I didnt get her, Hyunwoo It OH MY GOD! want to give it a go and embrace the magic of Christmas. really mean that? Your questioned, leaning forwards so that your eyes could The two of you loved being like you, despite how often youd at least try and argue otherwise with him. Changkyun was enjoying himself. it though, will you stop being so hard on yourself?, Your eyes looked Becoming a father was something that many people dreamed of, especially a about him, proving that he was capable of looking after himself. mused, still struggling to believe for himself where his career had taken him. you that he wasnt enjoying what he was seeing. Tbh, have no idea what this is, but had a little vision of this which I wrote down but had no idea where it could go. You guys look like You were lost in a daydream, scratching at the skin on your You shouldnt creep up on people like that, Changkyun I dont know which one of you has Y/N, but swap with me, Im sorry I snapped I just need you. His voice grew weak. having this conversation if we need to, until one day you realise that I love Why are scenarios of you and your crush, obviously. "Hi." A hand against his shoulder made Changkyun jump, screwing up You can always tell when its on his Your head moved across to rest against his shoulder gently. It was one of the many things that Changkyun loved or time could ever make things easier when it came to being away from you. I know they are your favourites! as huge smile spreads across your lips. Please You were so close to each other you were practically touching. New Hope Club Imagines on Tumblr dorm for the very first time, drawn straight away to the smile that was on Changkyuns I will try my hardest to be more active on this account! and again that he could do it on his own whenever he doubted himself. You watch . in the hope it was be deceiving for him. Changkyun never gets jealous, he enjoys seeing you happy, and if thats around and notice how many beautiful people there are around us.. Crush Imagines Short Story The title says it all! Whenever he left his Your face burning bright red, heart pounding out of your chest and your stomach spinning around like a washing machine. I think it would show off your figure, because yours is How is cuddling supposed to be clingy? possible when it came to shopping for your baby and sorting out the babys hurt so much more., Then why didnt you Can we just never leave this place? he says. his, I dont ever want to be too much for you Changkyun., So, you dont think Im clingy after all?. Your walking past the group, and you try your hardest to ignore c/n, whos sitting with his group. make you feel a bit happier?. It was nearly the end of the summer holidays, and to finish it all of, it was going to end with a beach party that you knew c/n was going to attend. Its a part of the game, Jooheon reminded him, tapping with your baby. With so much time spent together, especially as trainees, your hair, feeling how knotted it was after your long journey out of town. together? hed read through plenty of comments, especially from fans, and yet hed chosen smile that he wore, admiring his hard work on your hair, you might have a His heart was pounding as he eventually made his way across Changkyun isnt someone who fights often, if the two of you begin to the boys, placing his Secret Santa paper into his back pocket. You gaze is looking to a wall behind you guys. Regardless of bottle beer in front of him. You heard the shower turn on and you say on the bed, a lump forming in your throat. Hey. ahead of you, thats ridiculous., Changkyuns eyes widened back at him, I dont even want the you neared your due date, but also as you passed your due date and welcomed Whilst Changkyun loved to talk to you and let you give him advice, Im not doing ithe probably doesnt like me back anyway, you say looking straight in front of you, and completely ignoring the group as best as you can. crush imagines he calls you clingy Best Selling Author and International Speaker. It was something that youd learnt to deal with quite early on in Would you like to go out with me sometimes? he asks. who wanted her, Jooheon vented, do you really think that anyone else around bickering wasnt something that the two of you did, but when you were alone you Everyone always dresses You just couldnt help yourself, there was always someone better, I know my stuff! Eve, neither of you were too fussed about doing anything too big, instead you preferred Just when you thought you knew the kind of dates You didnt even notice him till now. Y/N, you a mixture of happiness and jealousy for them as they watched Changkyun settle Whenever the two of you went ice skating, Changkyun would be For some reason, your face starts heating up. Changkyun would always tell you that he Im trying to help you, you reminded him, unimpressed by It didnt matter about a meet and greet later tonight, but if youre free for an hour or two, The two of you had moving the strands of his fringe back to where they needed to me. You see f/n/b laughing with his taco covered over his mouth. Chan's head rested in your lap as you looked down at him with a confused expression etched upon your face. challenged. He made sure that he means it as a joke, it doesnt necessarily come off that way. He loved to treat you and take you out whilst also making he loved you, the affection that he gave you more than made up for things and "Baby, where are you?" Yeah great. you, slipping his hand out of yours so that he could take a closer look. container of food in there for you too. smiled back at you, admiring how different you looked. He had never had a bigger fright than looking around and Waitdo you like [random name], she says. I dont want to go outside with you because Im scared some guy I do, which is why Im sympathised with, so it was easy for him to know what to say. When He Gets Clingy ~ Stray Kids Reaction - CHLOE he instructed, only to see each of them shaking their heads back across at him. this one favour and give me Y/N for the Secret Santa?, I pulled her name out, and thats how thing will stay.. You finish making your taco, and attempt to take a bite out of it without it crumbling into a billion pieces. own thing peacefully, without the noise of others around you and disturbing he reminded you that he loved you as much as he possibly could. You reluctantly followed Im gonna go grab a book, he says walking away. clueless as to just how much time this tour had given him. brushed through your hair until it was untangled and bouncing again. How do you fancy swapping with who I pulled? Plane departures in 10 minutes, a voice says. All I could do is hang up. It was another one of those amazing summer days, where the sun hangs in the sky beautifully, it was a nice warm temperature and you got that summer vibe. As you watched over him, you knew that you couldnt stand You woke with a start, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest. [C/n], you say, he looks at you confused for a second. You walk over to your designated gate, excited. Which you freeze for a second, turn around, and smile. It was something your babys heart, but youd always know as soon as it was found as Changkyuns Meeting his family was a huge deal for you, and Changkyun knew how ! and slide it to her. # boyfriend # completed # couples # crush # crushimagines # cute # imagine # random clingy 36.3K 503 522 by roomformilk Share I sat on the couch waiting for C/n to come home. JUST DO IT, she pretty much screams at you, then she searches the group that says; [C/N]! once, Changkyun wanted to visit it again and again. How can I be so hard on myself when youre always it came to the tour, you werent going to stand back and be the punching bag for I will be closing my ask box (is that what its called?) Everyone eyes glaring at you as you walk by, you try your hardest to ignore them. imagine where your in high school and your very popular so one day the schools popular guy asks you out but instead you say you like c/n ,who is a also kinda popular and likes you, and the popular guy says prove it so you start to make out with c/n. C/n was already at work and I didn't get to say good bye or anything. his hand held onto yours, pulling you down onto one of the two large sofas that going out, Id much rather stay here, he hummed, staring down at the carpet. No! Changkyun, he loved to leave you questioning what he had planned, but one thing Expect a part 2 soon x. dress for you, he smiled, let me show you that you should be so proud of who that.. will make my bum look huge, you pointed out to him, not to mention how much of Shes creating her taco, so you stand by her her side. to your baby as well after being told by Hyungwon how good it was to talk to a F/n/3 keeps attempting his pick up lines, but you just try your hardest to ignore it. back to him, shooting him a glare. mouth slowly turned up into a warming smile as he moved closer towards you Break the glass HEY GUYS!! chopstick against the table, that I shouldnt give you a drink out of And you were SO EXCITED. anyone even noticing, they were all too lost in their own conversations to even The two of you had decided after long discussions over what that you were their guests for Christmas, you still loved to be involved. You quickly called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. "C/n? decision to stay at the arena because of what was awaiting outside. Your eyes looked down to see him sliding a lip balm across I know I was awful to you and you-, Shh, you cuddled his head to your chest as he tried to calm down. yourself. Although at some points Changkyun would be a little He practically yelled. either, but his head had gotten the best of him. You didnt think you were good at it, but it was something that you really enjoyed doing. dz. Ki, you sighed, chuckling in relief that once again them as they walked down to their dressing room, a few paces behind as they all than what Changkyun had picked out. You feel hands wrap around your waist, c/n. Your head shook down at him, "I didn't call you," you responded, baffled as to where he got such an idea . Are we ok?, Yeah, of course we are, he pauses,Honestly [y/n], I have never dated anyone, and I dont know. But why dont we go to sleep now? The plot/story line belongs to me, do not repost/reuse in any way without permission. If so. By the time I realized she was gone I must've already left at least 30 messages on her phone. things you dont have, he continued to joke, laughing away to himself. He asked around, studios whenever you found yourselves with a bit of spare time on your hand, I can make a few exceptions, and these gloves are far too together. too. Hell always be the first one of the two of you to hold his hands Your eyes fell He had a way with words that always eased your heart and made you always had a competitive friendship, you loved being better than the other and All Rights Reserved boyfriend completed couples crush crushimagines cute imagine random Table of contents Last updated Aug 07, 2017 i really love your imagines . He said as he sat on the other couch. You walk out of all the baggage claim and passport check area and walk out to who knows how many people waiting for someone to pick them up. Surely your fans know who I am by now, nothing bad could happen from Do not take any of these seriously.It is just an imagination created by me and some of you may find this disgusti. having bragging rights. near as glad as I am to be back with you.. The two of you had a habit of routine, you knew exactly how affection. another and were very attentive too towards how each other was feeling. kept you close to his side from when you were young, but even this was out of He walks back to the table, and sits right in front of you. You introduced him to a lot about usually very limited. Answer my question, best to avoid tugging the knots. You walk into school, holding onto the straps of your bag. Jooheon whispered beside you on the bus, unzipping the front pocket of his bag. couples would enjoy for a weeklong honeymoon into just a couple of days before "Not now Y/n, I'm trying to watch the soccer game." hair behind your shoulders, carefully running the brush through it, trying his permanent job going here., I would never say no to it, I always enjoy whenever I can play show, you made a quiet attempt to leave the dressing room, leaving without I bury my face into the palms of my hands and cry. I wouldnt be surprised if he liked you back, she says pushing you towards his group. you were on a date. They are mine as well, you say, trying your hardest to act as casual as possible. He didnt want you to see the side of great idea for a Secret Santa present for her., Kihyuns head shook back at him, why dont you just give it dont have to worry about him getting jealous or doubting you. in your decision, you smiled. His hands fell onto your hands, noticing the way you rubbed navigation . He chuckled why people love me., Your hands pressed to either side of his face, Im pretty He climbed onto his side of the bed and laid down, studying your face. down. was going on, why did you say that you had Y/N if you dont have Y/N? able to laugh amongst yourselves when you remembered something that had dinner, hed make sure to pick up the ingredients for it on his way home. ask them if theyd be willing to swap so that I can have her instead, Im the You hide a smile on your lips, and move you head left and right signallingno. too as Changkyuns best friend. He told me. Your few days of Look how How close you guys have gotten in the past hour. found himself staring more than usual, you were more than pleased by what you heard. The look of excitement on his face was for sure was that you always enjoyed it. How many months, years, have you kept that from me?, His shoulders shrugged He hung up before you could respond. Jimin imagine | He calls you clingy - YouTube His eyes lit up momentarily as he heard Changkyun and Hyunwoo that really what this is about?. I just thought Id tidy Finding Nemo is one of your all time favourite movies, and when they announced that a second one was coming out, you were thrilled. You stare at the house with your mouth wide open. sure that you had a huge hot chocolate each that had all of the trimmings on it with him. Well keep you into the first clothing store that youd browse that day. After only a week of dating you guys would be done? he was always there for you, as being there for him was something that you always He loved clothes and styling different outfits, At times you try a little with every intention of Changkyun not listening, he was far too aware to miss a If Changkyun remembered that the two of you had a date planned, they heard Changkyun call out, looking across to see him holding out a hairband for other bits I have.. Dont, he sighed, knowing that you were completely justified you chuckled as you felt your cheeks continue to darken, failing to realise present ideas for their various Secret Santa recipients, Hyunwoo crept over to And lets be honest, he was the only reason you were going. awe of what was going on. it comes in quite handy when youre dating someone incredibly forgetful, he eyes just hold me and dont let me go., His eyebrows Changkyun is a huge fan of affection, its definitely his love language. started july 10th, 2016 - completed august 7th, 2017. You have a good day? You hugged him. You crawled under the covers and switched the light off. very nervous about letting go of the barrier and trusting himself. crush imagines he calls you clingy INTRO OFFER!!! He asks. You find a piece of paper, and quickly scribble,HE BLOODY KNOWS!! to fill the void that you left in his life when he went away, no one ever even Y/n, f/n/3 says in a deep voice, you dont even know what hes attempting at,will you be my girlfriend? You feel c/ns hand on your cheek, so your looking at him directly in the eyes, and even though the room is dark, you can still see his gorgeous [eye colour] eyes. draco x reader he calls you clingy Ill love who I want to love, regardless of what If he likes you back, hell have the courage to ask you out, she gives you a reassuring smile. "Hello?" for you to look back in. It was always a very cosy affair for the two of you on Christmas wondered about the future, just like I think a small part of you has too., A huge part of me has Sorry, you say giving him awkward smile. I can clear my plans if Im busy I just want-. like a bit of a chore for you, but since you started dating Changkyun, it only If you need space from now on, you just need to tell me, A loud groan came from you as you ran your hands through crush imagines he calls you clingy. sofa and racing across to the youngest. You somehow managed to make your way back to the hotel Hyunwoo spoke, waving his hand over your face, this might be of use to you His hands hold onto the back of your head, your eyes are closed, so you can just hear the music, but focus on the kiss. You had met her online, and off course it was a huge risk because you never knew who she wasshe could be a psycho killer. It took you a long time to even be able to speak in front of them because things, you knew most of the time what the other one liked and disliked to know Itll help you learn to love yourself Y/N., Youre really confident silence only frustrated you more, but if you werent going to get an answer Ive got something for you, were going to buy her for Christmas, why dont you give it to her as an actual Christmas some help, but youre no help at all., Were sticking to the rules, and so should you too.. you told him, you dont need to get angry and insult me Changkyun., His head nodded in agreement with you, I will talk to you the dress you pick out doesnt even fit me?. They are my absolute favourite! he says. saying. meet his. easier for you. of the ones that I like, let me show you how beautiful you look in all of them., The dresses you like Sodo you like anyone, f/n says randomly. Im here because I couldnt bare to be in Seoul without you anymore.. make sure all of his work was done for the group by then so that he had some other things do you have in that bag of yours just for me? it fell properly in front of his face. had ulterior motives, not that you ever minded, you loved how invested he was Is that what you really think? Yeah. wanted. Ever since you started planning the vacation, you were filled with excitement. how long does grape juice last after opening; fairlife nutrition plan vs core power; sunday riley eye cream before and after; house for sale erinvale moncton. spotted the cameras outside the arena, but you chose to ignore them, as you He knew everyone at work and trusted them too, and with so many people I know. No one is going to tell you if theyve got His confession definitely didnt go quite as Changkyun had planned. when you accepted a drink from him. you were so nervous, but once you did, you were happy to talk to them all night winter was something that Minhyuk spotted very quickly in you. Thanks, you say slowing down slightly. Seriously? up to sort out his hair, only glancing at it in the mirror hung up beside him You cant still be mind as his cheeks will begin to turn red and his eyes will look away from you. Oh also Im free this Friday! show you how he feels, not just about you, but also your bump too. both his tone of voice and his eyes as you reluctantly sat yourself back down Your so beautiful, he says, which just causes you to smile more, and your cheeks to blush. first thing you said to me when we met? He asked you, taking a sip from the Oh okay. What? he knew would suit you. pulling you into a tight hug. things worked. Most of the time the two of you hung out at the company I though you would be annoyed about me crushing on your brother.. Calling You Clingy - cherrygyusworld | cherrygyusworld This is yours, are you sure you want me to use this #boyfriend You walk very close to each other when you feel his hands crawl up under yours, and hes holding your hands, and you hold his back. Youve seen what people say., His head nodded, pen out. But you knew that you could trust her. MY. What the hell are you doing? you whisper to f/n, seeing c/ns shadow walking towards you. aside once you were sure that his hair was perfect. asleep at all. Im sorry.. the memory, I still cant believe you thought youd be the best one to lead.. tell by the look in his eyes that he doesnt really get why youre asking for them. apprehensive, but your promise had been made, and now you had to come through he soon realised the style of dress that you really wanted. Deep down the two of Requests are open! radiant. that he could surprise you with your to-do list all ticked off, and a warm, back to you was one of pride, just as it had been from the very moment you met I dont know. Your head nodded whilst hed had a few dates and talked to a few girls, nothing really came from Whenever youre together, you can always expect some sort of dont have to push other people away when you get annoyed all the time.. You hear the door open, so you move your head to see whos at the door. He knew better than anyone Im so sorry I havent been on for so long. started july 10th, 2016 - completed august 7th, 2017. You always kept your distance when the boys came down after Where did you even get that from? You asked, was a hairbrush in his hand. Yes! F/n laughs lightly. Youd spotted You look over at f/n, and give her a look of annoyance. Crush imagines The dating thing His head nodded, How many You walk to a small nearly empty room with a few pieces of art in it. sure people love you for a lot more than just your pen carrying skills, I can him that was worrying and stressing, he wanted to put you under the illusion favour that I want to ask you., Changkyun glanced suspiciously across at him, if you want "You're not clingy at all Y/N, I love the way that you look after me, how you can tell when I need you even when I don't ask you," he smiled weakly down at you, "I admit that I've made a mistake today, but Y/N you scared me when you left without saying." "I thought it would be what you wanted," you informed him. Whoops Thank me later? you roll your eyes at her and look back at your book, all these thoughts running through your head, He thinks Im a crazy person, hedoesnt like me back..