supports HTML5 video, - I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting City Hall, 101 E. Main Street, Forney, Texas 75126 . In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes:Section 551.071 -- Consultation with AttorneySection 551.072 -- Deliberations regarding Real PropertySection 551.073 -- Deliberation regarding Prospective GiftSection 551.074 -- Personnel MattersSection 551.076 -- Deliberations regarding Security DevicesSection 551.087 -- Deliberations regarding Economic Development NegotiationsThis agenda has been reviewed and approved by the Citys legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Executive Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of the Texas Government Code Chapter 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed session portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney. The City Council will receive citizen comments on non-agenda items, and if necessary, may refer the matter to City staff for research, resolution or referral to Council on a future agenda. Forney City Council Candidates answer questions as early voting related to the Bellagio Laguna Azure project; and authorize the City Manager to execute - OPEN FORUM/CITIZEN COMMENTS Consider approval of a site plan for the South Forney Addition, located south of U.S. Highway 80, east of S. Gateway Boulevard and north of Akron Way. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council Member. VI. The items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be self-explanatory by the Council and will be enacted in one motion. - Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution accepting a grant funding from the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office. The City has contracted through Dallas-based Swagit Productions to provide hands-free video streaming of all City Council meetings through the City's website. Forney Tribune. (Forney, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 26, Ed. 1 Wednesday The items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be self-explanatory by the Council and will be enacted in one motion. to fill the position for the remainder of the term. City Council says No to several developments, yes to Farmers Mkt PROCLAMATIONS / PRESENTATIONS 1. Consider approval of a Resolution ordering the General Election for May 6, 2023, and take any action necessary. This is the public's opportunity to address the City Council on any matter related to the City. Agendas, Supporting Documents, Meeting Videos Visit the Council's agenda portal for meeting agendas, supporting documents, and videos. Civil Service Meeting Agenda - March 14, 2023, Special Civil Service Meeting Agenda - February 23, 2023, Civil Service Meeting Agenda - February 14, 2023, December 10, 2019 - Forney Charter Commission Meeting, November 21, 2019 - Forney Charter Commission Meeting, November 12, 2019 - Forney Charter Commission Meeting, October 29, 2019 - Forney Charter Commission Meeting, Forney Economic Development Corporation Meeting -- Canceled, City of Forney101 Main Street EastForney, TX 75126. Consider approval of a revised site plan for Mt. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council Member. 548, north of the Mustang Crossing Planned Development. Notice of Open Deliberations - City of Forney and Forney Fire Association - January 5, 2023. CALL TO ORDER II. The City of Forney is now expanding the level of transparency and accessibility to all of its residents, through a new streaming service for it's City Council meetings. AGENDA FORNEY CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 5, 2020 6:30 p.m. Council to hold special meeting concerning updates to HEB - InForney As described in the City's Public Meeting Procedures, comments will be limited to three (3) minutes. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Council Member. Tuesday, November 17, 2020. forney city council agenda. AGENDA FORNEY CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, January 4, 2022 6:30 p.m. This provision has been added to this agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy Texas Government Code Chapter 551.144(c) and the meeting is conducted by all participants in reliance on this opinion. Consider a Resolution awarding an Annual Price Agreement for Concrete Maintenance 741, in the City of Forney extra-territorial jurisdiction. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST INCLUDE: 2 Beds. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Council Agenda | Govt Code Section 551.071): Discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Kalen Boren, Place 1 Challenger. Main Street , Forney , TX 75126 , on Tuesday, March 14 , 2023 , at 9:30 AM. Ft. 3941 NW 40th St, Newcastle, OK 73065. In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes: Item Summary -- Call May 7, 2022 Election.pdf, Item Summary -- Mitigation Plan Approval.pdf, Kaufman County Hazard Mitigation Plan APA 12-16-2021.pdf. Chapter 212, Subchapter E, Texas Local Government Code Moratorium on Property Development. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.042, the City Council cannot discuss, consider, or take action on matters not listed on the agenda. - Discuss and consider action regarding a Resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Forney and the Board of Trustees of the Forney Independent School District for the widening of Ranch Roach from 740 FM to just north of Innovation Boulevard. a. Lafdi v. David Holman, et al PURSUANT TO THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT, CHAPTER 551, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION (CLOSED MEETING) TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO CONSIDER ACTION, IF ANY, ON MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. FORNEY, Texas The Forney City Council held their first meeting of 2015 on January 20, 2015, with a packed agenda including four public hearing, two consent agenda items, and Consider approval of the Minutes of the March 16, 2021, City Council meeting. The City Council will receive citizen comments on non-agenda items, and if necessary, may refer the matter to City staff for research, resolution or referral to Council on a future agenda. CALL TO ORDER II. 2. In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes: Item Summary-Gateway Phase 4 Prelim Plat.pdf, Item Summary-Governors Lots Prelim Plat.pdf, Item Summary-Park Trails Phase 5 Prelim Plat.pdf, Exhibit-Park Trails Phase 5 Prelim Plat.pdf, Item Summary-Basic Addition Prelim Plat.pdf, Item Summary-Basic Addition Final Plat.pdf, Item Summary - Atmos ASCS 2021 RRM Settlement Resolution.pdf, 2021 Atmos Mid-Tex RRM Model Staff Report Attachments.pdf, Resolution - 2021 ATMOS Mid-Tex RRM Settlement.pdf, 2021 Atmos Mid-Tex RRM Settlement Resolution Attachments.pdf, Item Summary-Presentation of proposed budget.pdf, Item Summary-Budget Public Hearing FY22.pdf, Resolution - 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget public hearing notice.pdf, Item Summary-Resolution to adopt tax rate.pdf, Resolution - 2021 Tax Year Proposed Property Tax Rate Notice.pdf. Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Family Cathedral of Praise Addition located at 1032 E. U.S. Highway 80. I. . 1. Upcoming Special Events City Council members are elected for staggered 2-year terms. 3400 Lake Ellen Dr, Newcastle, OK 73065 | MLS# 1038920 | Redfin Water and soil sampling for environmental. Consider approval of the Minutes of the December 21, 2021, City Council Meeting. Makes appointments to boards and committees, Sets the annual property tax rate for the City of Forney. Consider approval of a final plat for the Towneplace Suites Marriott Forney, located south of U.S. Highway 80 and west of Regal Drive. The Forney City Council, along with all other councils and commissions within the City are administered through rules and procedures approved by the City Council. This section is used to communicate items of community interest, specifically, reminders about upcoming events organized or sponsored by the governing body or other information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that may be of interest to the citizens of Forney. Forney City Council Sept. 19 agenda: Windmill Farms apartments approximate 60 acres of land located on CR 212. A quorum will be physically present at the posted meeting location of City Hall. XIII. - Discuss and consider a Resolution awarding a contract with Franco Tennis Academy for In addition to any executive session already listed above, the City Council of the City of Forney reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed on this agenda, as authorized by the Texas Government Code for the following purposes:Section 551.071 -- Consultation with AttorneySection 551.072 -- Deliberations regarding Real PropertySection 551.073 -- Deliberation regarding Prospective GiftSection 551.074 -- Personnel MattersSection 551.076 -- Deliberations regarding Security DevicesSection 551.087 -- Deliberations regarding Economic Development NegotiationsThis agenda has been reviewed and approved by the Citys legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Executive Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of the Texas Government Code Chapter 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed session portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney.