AND OPENING MY SAFE TO MY FOOD AND LIVING THE LOCKER UNLOCKED ON PERPISS AND NOISES HARASSING ME. If this becomes a frequent act, it could be termed antisocial behavior and being rude on the part of the person involved. Its done for political and financial reasons. Stalking, harassment, threatening and personal endangerment are illegal. He was a fraudulent POA, he came into my room, while I was sleeping. Organized Gang Stalking is also used to gather information on individuals as well as force individuals to move or leave an area. Ive had the sense of being gang stalked for a year, but I suspect its been going on longer, since I have a tendency to be a depressed and susceptible individual, in addition to being socially isolated. Anchoring is a technique employed by stalkers to implant a false motivation or reason behind the stalking, preventing the victim from discovering the truth. Neighbor Keeps Slamming Door: What to Do? | Yard Pit Repeatedly clearing throat. 2. On the other hand, if your front door is continually banging, you know how irritating it can be. apologize for typos? In their mind, the other person is the one who is bullying them. Blame you for their actions if they are cheating. I was using up twelve rolls of paper towels daily, to soak up the blood. This is one of the simplest solutions to keep a door from slamming, and installation is pretty simple. 1 Answer from Attorneys. In Organized Gang Stalking, Anchoring is used to make the target have fear with things happening in your daily life thats considered to be normal. 1-total invasion of privacy: using cctv to spying on you, recording hidden audios and videos in your home. I knew nothing of my extended family growing up. They are not morally strong enough to question criminal behavior. 1944 Gaslight staring Ingrid Bergman Every state has a law against harassment and stalking. Small fire & water doesnt go up in flames & of course, they tried to blame me for the fire. I am targeted as well. Hi there! The woman, who lives in an inner west suburb of Perth, said the "aggressive" note came from a man who lives four apartments away from her. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Despite what the leaders or members of Stalking and Harassment groups say or believe, all forms of Stalking and Harassment are illegal. USN soldier time is limited thats right, and myself included have been and probably still am a target. Warning; This process could require money, and both parties might as well pay for dispute charges. Getting a target sensitized to sounds, colors, patterns, actions. The blunders your making are not helping the situation. I am a gang stalked victim in Louisiana. just dont kick or hurt my dog. I believe that I am a gang stalking victim. I believe im at this stage of their game.thank you chris. In this case, what do you do when your neighbor keeps slamming the door? Ghosting is also designed to make others question the sanity of the victim, especially if the victim attempts to complain of the abuse. It's like the Devil you know vs the Devil you don't. What things do they like and dislike? Most of the blank spaces in recall are filled with our own racing thoughts. A Brittany Hildebrandt lived in my building, several years ago and would be present at night. Their own weaknesses, addictions, grandiosity and anger management issues have been exploited so that they think it is OK to attack citizens of their own country. Such a film was K-Pax, which was a near-verbatim ripoff of an Argentina film (a much better film too) called Man Facing Southeast. I also get treated with rudeness by everyone I meet, and Im socially isolated. This is part of their job. I feel like it is her problem and she needs to get a grip. There was financial abuse going on. All forms of stalking are physically, emotionally, and psychologically harmful to the victim. However, I was terrified and immediately thought of a suicide plan, so that I could protect myself from this degradation and torture. Neighbour harassment - advice please! | Mumsnet Because of the brutal attack, she and whats happened after she is now sensitized. Even when talking is the most reasonable way of addressing the problem, you still have to choose the right time to do that. It's also common for someone with passive-aggressiveness to lack boundaries. I had a minor fire that didnt make sense. (Some behaviors can be effectively ignored.) Slamming doors Throwing objects Humiliating, degrading, demeaning, belittling, insulting, frightening or intimidating another person This is a very well funded & organized service/cult that is apparently condoned or even run by the state. I heard they were blocking black. This synchronized harassment will turn into a pattern and may include the use of numbers such as 2 neighbors arriving home at 3:13 and 2 other neighbors leaves their home at 3:30, the same neighbors arrives back home at 3:43. What To Do About Neighbor Slamming Doors? - Budget Friendly Furnishing The person who made the complaint neither saw nor heard the incident and works in a different department. I do not know whether any Luciferians would even care that a family has been serially tortured, terrorized and murdered. THEY LIE ABOUT ME TO MANY PEOPLE AND PAY THEM TO WALK INTO ME, STAND TO CLOSE TO ME IN LINE INVITING MY SPACE, ALMOST WALK INTO ME, CALL ME NASTY NAMES OUT OF NO WHERE, VICE TO SKULL ME, CALL ME GROSS AND NASTY FOR NO REASON, SMEAR CANPAIN OF FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT ME, TELL PEOPLE I LIKE WOMAN WHEN I REALLY LIKE MAN BECAUSE IM A REAL WOMAN. So, instead, I decided to bury the knowledge of this symbol. Gathering information from friends, and family. NOTE! Everyone in the targets life is contacted, advised as to why the individual has been listed or flagged, advised not to discuss the notification, and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending monitoring (systemic harassment) process. She is specific to the financial department. These idiots abuse me and keep my heart rate up all day. The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. Its a shame Uncle Ed wont be able to come. Member #2. A few key people keep it going: The stalker The smoke was being fed & too much. Yes! Posting on Nov. 9th 2020, I just became aware that I had become a victim of organized stalking in February of 2020, shortly after successfully completing grad school. I said that I did not give permission. Its also true that they get help from somebody trained to do this. I would love some help but this looks like my only alternative. When the target is in public, members of these Organized Gang Stalking groups will usually try to box the target in. Some stalkers are told lies, either positive or negative in nature, in order to gain their participation. Satslights are used to indicate when I walk outside. Organized Stalking is Mobbing that takes place out in public. The powers that be, have managed to socially isolate me from the people who live within my community. I actually had a brief romantic relationship with a male, who had worked for Mossad, in early adulthood. It seems best to ignore the door slamming and just stay away from her when she is in that mode. It is essential that you ask victims why they think they are being targeted, what they think they did to get targeted and who they think the perpetrators are. They also make sure that those people will not contact you and they avoid anybody who would alert you. Eg: They will surround the target in a square like formation if possible. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'budgetfriendlyfurnishing_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-budgetfriendlyfurnishing_com-medrectangle-4-0'); The way you will address your neighbor about the slamming door problem would be your choice. For example a member of the cult arrives home at 7:07 in the afternoon and another member of the cult leaves at 7:07 at the same time. Noise Harassment Campaigns Depriving the target of sleep is a really good way of leaving the target stressed out. The door slamming is disruptive and upsetting for others and very unprofessional behavior. I would also like to say, dont be afraid of her temper. This would still be an inside problem that will be dealt with between neighbors in the building. I did not know that I had a first cousin, from the Devor family, who was a biology professor at Hebrew university. That is my nature. While I was gone, people were in & out of my apt, including my daughter. You win.. God bless you. It was very hurtful. The gang stalking phenomenon, that has exploded with the advent of the internet and smartphones, is a very serious problem and needs to be handled by professionals, and your simply out of your league and not qualified. I have been broken into & even drugged, my medications were stolen. So if she shuts her door, whats wrong with your door? Financial abuse. This is why everyone should be cautious and always ensure the dump is cleared up, sewage well evacuated, and music volume in check. You could call the attention of other occupants of the building if the neighbor in question did not adhere to you after speaking with them. Then they will say the target is a prostitute, drug dealer, crazy, terrorist, racist, pedophile, etc. I was living in Denver Colorado after being the victim of organized harassment for 5-6 years in New York State. There is a heavy lobby door that automatically slams shut if you don't prevent it from doing so (stopping it from slamming is effortless and takes about 1.5 seconds). However, I had a very strong desire to live. She may either be doing this on purpose as a learned behavior or she may have an emotional problem that she cannot control on her own. Almost everything this article said, I know it well. The victim is usually followed and may be flashed from either a tail-gating vehicle or a passing or on-coming one. Certain states have enacted stronger protection through their anti-discrimination laws than what is offered by the federal government. McKinney has been a Targeted Individual herself for many decades and understands the larger system as well as anyone. You can talk to them face to face, over the phone, or through a note left under the door, but be sure its done at the appropriate time. What are their weaknesses? 2. Members of these groups will use this as a means to monitor and psychologically harass targets. Following people close to them. THEY ARE GETTING PAID TO PROTECT THIS CHILD PREDATOR AGENDA THIS IS THE SICKEST THING THEY DONT CARE ABOUT PUTTING THEIR KIDS AT RISK OF BEING TARGETED THEY ARE THAT GREEDY THEY USE THEIR KIDS AROUND THE CHILD PREDATORS. That is to say, they allow the door to swing freely for opening, etc., but when closing they slow the door to a very slow swing. This type of person typically won't address the passive-aggressive actions being taken against them. When dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive, be assertive and clear about your expectations. Doing whatever the target is doing. Every time I go somewhere during the day, an anchoring threat is made by car or truck with a door(s) or trunk open and no one in it sitting in someones driveway along my route. Instead, they stuff it down inside. When this happens, what do you do? Most importantly the members of these cults have already been sensitized, conditioned, and brainwashed to these specific numbers, and are constantly looking to their watches and clocks, to see what the time is, in case they have a Harassment skit or order to perform at a specific time of the day or night, that has been passed to them by their criminal leader and organizer via a cell phone text. Official processes might take a long time to complete, so youll need to be patient, keep your hands crossed and watch the matter being handled by the complaint unit. A LADY BY THE NAME OF LAURIE WAS WORKING WHEN THEY WERE IN AND I WENT AND SAT IN THE LOBBY AND STARTED RECORDING THEM AFTER I WAS SITTING AT THE COMPUTER AND THEY TOLD ME TO SHUT UP AND LET ME STALK YOU. Some stalkers mistakenly believe it is their civil duty. I thought she was nuts. The afterlife is real and Human nature keeps the ball rolling. Despite the statements to defame, I have done nothing but help others my entire life. If people are paid to participate in this stalking scene, where does the money come from? I've asked landlord to soundproof door to prevent slamming or to move me to another apartment. Still, some neighbors would keep on-jamming and slamming the door. How do I handle this? Sensitization is a psychological term referring to the forced association between a stimuli and a corresponding reaction. Absolutely not! The term Gas-Lighting originates from the 1944 film Gaslight. In the movie, the character of Gregory Anton, played by actor Charles Boyer, attempts to drive the character Pauline, played by actress Ingrid Bergman, insane. They immediately realized why I was not demonstrating my academic abilities. Read our, How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive People, Anger Management Strategies to Help Someone Calm Down, The Signs of Grandiose Narcissism and How to Deal With It, Splitting and Borderline Personality Disorder, Negging: How to Recognize and Overcome It, 20 Common Defense Mechanisms and How They Work, What the Bobo Doll Experiment Reveals About Kids and Aggression, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, How to stop passive aggression from ruining your relationship, Dynamics of female sexuality; hidden emotional issues, A comparison of passive aggressive and negativistic personality disorders, Anger, masked with a smile: How to handle passive-aggressive workers, Passive aggressive behaviorpreventing and dealing with challenging behavior, How to deal with a passive-aggressive colleague. sms, gmail forgot password, apple location (physically sane geolocation), bluetooth abd hotspot middle manning. In this case there are no children involved, just a couple of dudes, one in his 50s and the other in his 30s, both of whom keep to themselves. All of the techniques that you have talked about, they have been implemented on me. It's not uncommon for the recipient of passive-aggressive behaviors to feel that they are a bad person or deserving of poor treatment, says Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist who practices in New York City. It is the same as any mafia. Get yourself a good lawyer then you will put the best chance of winning on your side. Still, you can talk to them and ask if you can put some weather sealing on their door. And they can continue to express their hostilities without the risk of facing a fight. Home is a place to rest and relax after a long day. who want to fix someones behavior when it should be up to their supervisor to deal with the problem. Believe me I tried. Share. Definitions. Many people across the country have reported being harassed by these community groups. I've started Budget Friendly Furnishing with the intent of helping people furnish their homes in style without having to break the bank! He was supposedly going to provide some kind of commentary. they are just taxed and not even! I dont even know where to begin! I am completely excluded by these individuals on so many levels and that is not investigative skill but shear evil. When you make a telephone call, get the name and ID of the person that you are speaking to. Corporations, Government Organizations, Military, Some Police, Corrupt Cops, Societies/Fraternities/Orders, Religious Cults and Destructive New Age Groups, Concerned Community Groups/Vigilante Groups, Criminal Organizations, Volunteer Police Organizations, etc. Although the complainant must be an employee of the company, even a witness to severe harassment can complain about a hostile work environment. Addressing their behaviors is one way to bring these issues more into the open. So, a persons mother could be the father, presenting as a female. If you know of a source for that, please let me know. Sofra X. Dynamics of female sexuality; hidden emotional issues. To help employees avoid actions and/or statements that can be considered inappropriate, it's important to fully understand these behaviors: Discrimination when i first attempted to report ftc. Our doctor was Dr. They will go behind the targets back and tell lies about them. Document each of these encounters, keep a copy and mail the original to yourself and do not open. Being surrounded for no apparent reason by extremely shifty people acting repulsively around me, and nobody noticing. I am a TI as well. It can be seen as a mild type of harassment, nuisance case, or violation of noise orders. I know a lot of the people due to the town being small. Neighbors Kid Keeps Coming Into My Yard: What To Do? Red, stripes, pens, whistles, loud coughing, clapping, waves, keys jingling. Keep these in a file, unopened even after either of you leave the company. They feel resentment just from being asked, but they hide this emotion and do it anyway. Eg. influenced Gang Bangers at the U of A and elsewhere besides Tucson, at this address and area:,+Tucson,+AZ+85745/@32.240096,-111.0186737,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x86d676bed243932f:0x8c30acef66b10611!8m2!3d32.240096!4d-111.016485. i was drugged w jimmson weed as well and halluincinated all w the hopes of robbing me perhaps even killing me. He plagiarized scenes from her script, which then showed up in a Hollywood film. We used to have nice, calm friendships. I am use to be referred to as the girl who viewed life as a bowl of creamed peaches. How to deal with a passive-aggressive colleague. Car accidents that may be staged or setup involving the target. I have had old friends join the harassment. This could be friendships, family or significant others. By interacting with people who don't protect their boundaries, the person who is passive-aggressive doesn't have to be honest about their feelings or take responsibility for their behaviors. To keep her quite or stop her from pressing charges, the assailant, his friends and family will follow her around and throw socks in her path, mention it everywhere she goes and show her their socks every chance they get. The reason seems to be extortion-based. They lied about being my medical POA & were extremely bossy. Motivations for Organized Gang Stalking vary. No. They also spy while we in the bathroom, but I have taken measures to block them. Often Baiting involves tricking a victim into committing a crime or unknowingly engaging in an illegal activity. She resigned the next day and thanked me for pointing out her unhappiness. Check your employee handbook for your employers anti-harassment policies. The United States constitution is no longer implemented by exclusion for many and is therefore no longer effective for the larger populace. This is done so that targets will have no means of support, once they do realize that something is going wrong in their lives. with violence and noise; to bang; to close with unnecessary force. It might wake your sleeping child, frighten you, and make for an unpleasant experience. What is it with narcissists and slamming doors and cupboards? Listening to cell phone and hard line conversations. My brothers high school friends had the same surnames as Doctors at this Penetang hospital, who were convicted of torturing patients. Maybe you could suggest to your manager that an hydraulic door closer be installed on her office door. 3: A target leaves his or her home at the exact same time a neighbor who has been recruited into the harassment leaves their home followed by a airplane or helicopter flying overhead. The main motivation behind Synchronized Harassment Activities is again that if the target complains about this type of Harassment he or she may be perceived as mentally ill. Communication happens in a number of ways. They may also employ some Gaslighting, or Jacketing tactics. This can end up in a fine and even ejection from the apartment. Therefore, you might wait to run to them in front of the building or at some other public place where you can casually address the issue with slamming doors. Yes, slamming doors is a deliberate act of disturbance. Furthermore, when you approach them, make sure that you provided examples of times when they were slamming the doors and how that affected you. This is a sign to get out! Moreover, how are they getting all of this money?? Entertainment Value/Thrill of Participation in an Illegal activity. AND I MAKE NOISES HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS BECAUSE ITS TO THE POINT WHERE ITS TO LOUD AND NO ONE WANTS TO HERE THAT ALL NIGHT. When the tenants leave, the door is left swinging freely, and the wind slams it against the door frame really hard--hard enough to make the dishes in my kitchen cabinets rattle. Also, you can tell them how the issue might be resolved, i.e., what do you expect them to do. Indeed, a lot of little things can provoke this action. I knew that he had already copied it. They will get close to people that are affiliated with targets. If it were a antagonist country against us that would be more credible to me. My work ethic and successes speak volumes but no one is looking at the facts. When this Mobbing continues out in the community it is called Organized Stalking. This past May, the stalkers hacked our computers and all devices by breaking through our home router. STOP, say nothing more. Such tactics are also being used in cases of hostage situations as well as covert government operations. How can you bully them? I want to communicate with other TIs for support. Can My Neighbor Record My Backyard (And My Property)? My privacy has been invaded to a degree only seen in concentration camps or iron curtain countries, others are encouraged by the abuse of my civil rights to join in and destroy me and my property or those who are close to me. Oftentimes, their actions are a way of coping with anger that they don't feel comfortable openly expressing. 00:13 Door in old house, opening and closing, nobody 00:09 Family couple arguing behind closed door, man giving slap to. If talking and offering solutions to prevent the sound of slamming doors doesnt work, you can raise the issue to your building manager or landlord. Use Jesus as a With most people, being calm and polite will immediately resolve the problem. I have even seen them hiding in the woods with camo on. OCCULT FU ANDREWS CONSISTS ON ANDREWS TX PEDOPHILES THAT ARE DISGUSTING NON MOTHERS AND FATHERS WHO PIMP THEIR KIDS OUT TO SATAN ANNA WINEGAR IS ONE, A GREEDY MONEY HUNGRY BITCH WHO TRIED TO GET MY MOM TO SELL HER PROPERTY WHEN SHE WAS SICK AND IS NOW HARASSING ME WITH CHILD PREDATORS OVER REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING WITH HER TECH EX MILITARY HUSBAND PIMPING OUT HER TWO KIDS THESE FREAKS ARE GUILTY OF PRE TEEN PORN AND THE REASON WHY WE LEFT OUR HOME BECAUSE OF THE EVIL CHILD PREDATORS THAT CAME IN AND MADE HORRIBLE CHILD PREDATOR STATEMENTS ABOUT MY SON. They Do), Do Butterflies Like Roses? Being accused of horrible things and mocked and ridiculed in public in my daily activities. It's common for neighbors to have disagreements that can lead to harassment. Use your fears and beliefs to control you or the situation. Sad! Almost was 302 again, trying to report my husbands abuse with proof. 1. 2023 Budget Friendly Furnishing. You can serve him with a three day notice to abate or quit. However, sometimes the person who makes this noise, i.e. Organized Gang Stalking, also known as organized stalking, community harassment, community stalking, is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. I have read that cameras and microphones are not necessary, and this can be done by ultrasound. Let the smile cross you face ear to ear. I am being gangstalked for a while over a period of years. They claim that the law will arrest me for something they claim I did. . Some internet groups which help stalking victims are heavily populated with perpetrators posing as victims. Its similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. They are fake humanitarian organizations. My neighbor has been harassing me for years. They've now learned my They want us to join Scientology Staff!!! At the time, I knew almost nothing about my relatives. Often companies will fund stalkers simply in an attempt to prevent the victim from filing a lawsuit, via using fear and intimidation tactics. Private local prostitution pimps and many employed in state mental wards . Hi Mark Just not sure what to do.would like to speak with local victims but reading about I am the Baby on the inside Byrds album cover called Untitled. So, ironically, my being bled in the streets, by gang stalkers may have fortified me and made it possible for me to survive the relentless physical abuse. They moved us to a good neighbourhood and I was able to complete two university degrees and obtain employment in a rewarding and honourable profession. A person with passive-aggressive tendencies often feels as if they've been treatedunfairly or that they've been taken advantage of. You can talk to them directly, leave a note under their door, or talk to them over the phone. They ignore requests. Because no one deserves to live like this. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. He became a test subject for psychiatric drugs, before his hugely premature death, one week after my fathers (apparently poisoning) death. This pattern can lead to cycles of overt hostility followed by withdrawal periods. I rent an apartment in a big old Victorian house in a crowded city neighborhood. There may be issues of hate, pure malicious or chance. Scientology, a criminal cult is believed to be behind this harassment, with the help of the State. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Be clear on how they make you feel. At least, I know what. Once he was taken out of our house, my family told me a horrid lie, that the system was looking at me as an accessory. As TIs, we can create our own community. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. I like the idea of leaving seminar information on her desk relating to that issue. I am not being accused and I am not REALLY under investigation as I am being actively destroyed by an army of people largely unknown to me. I have caught former peers stalking.