For commissioners about how best to ensure the sustainability of existing lease-based SSH schemes in the context of the issues highlighted by the Regulator of Social Housing about this model of SSH. What are Housing Counselors? - Salary: Housing Counselor (December, 2022) | Glassdoor Housing 21 - Poppy Dene, Peterlee | Care Homes There are key considerations for investors and RPs developing and managing SSH, and for council commissioners using or planning to use SSH, arising from the RSHs regulatory judgements and notices linked to lease-based models of SSH. Communication with council/NHS operational staff. In these cases, commissioners should notify commissioners in the host areas, to reassure them that risk management and contingency planning will be undertaken (as outlined in the guidance above). Over what timescales are these RPs are expecting to achieve compliance with the governance and financial viability standards and consumer standards, as applicable? Policy Statement on rents for social housing (2020), policy statement on rents for social housing, Lease-based providers of specialised supported housing. The actions the council will take to work with the RP/s to ensure, as far as possible, risks to the sustainability are mitigated effectively. At the heart of this is a focus on ensuring the security of tenure and a sustainable housing solution for tenants, who in many cases will need a home for life, or at least for the long term. Addendum to the Sector Risk Profile 2018, provide advice for local government and NHS commissioners specifically in relation to SSH, particularly lease-based models of SSH. However, it is important to note that SSH rents must be below market rent in order to meet the definition of supported housing, which is defined in the Governments Policy statement on rents and in turn references low cost rental as defined in s.69 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. Amazing service. Use this shared approach to maximise access to a wide range of capital funding options as well as private investment eg Homes Englands Affordable Homes Programme and Care & Support Specialised Housing Fund, the housing benefit regulations 2006 Schedule 2 Regulation 14, LGA Housing Advisers Programme 2022/23 Prospectus, Working in partnership: creating an effective rough sleeper strategy, More For all tenants living in SSH, a contract should be in place for the delivery of personal care (given the definition of SSH provided above, ie which includes the criterion that SSH approximates to the services or support which would be provided in a care home, for residents for whom the only acceptable alternative would be a care home). Fix Your Credit Consulting Specialist | Credit Consultants | Credit Portal Using a HUD-Approved Housing Counselor to Avoid Foreclosure - Nolo Collaborate with housing colleagues (housing team within a unitary council, or in district/borough councils in two-tier areas) to ensure that market position statements / strategic commissioning plans and housing strategies have a shared plan for the development of supported housing. how the housing has been specified and the arrangements or agreements that are in place. Emily Ziegler, LCMFT Counseling and Advising Services 913-469-8500 (Ext. specialized housing counselors social housing landlords, including private registered providers (in England). Apply to Counselor, Clinic Coordinator, Program Coordinator and more! Regulator of Social Housing, placing commissioner is acting on behalf of the CCG, Who pays? Specialized Housing Counselors A Fire Safety in the Home e-learning resource was launched in October 2016. the scheme offers an appropriate level of care/support for clients, for whom the only acceptable alternative option is a placement in a care home, and. There are many mortgage assistance programs out there. Determine what the rent and service charges are paying for and assess the extent to which the service charges levied reflect the actual services being provided to tenants. Specialized Housing Counselors - Overview, News & Competitors RP and private investor leasing arrangements. The guidance will also address the need to reduce numbers of avoidable incidents that impact on the availability of Fire and Rescue Service resources. The process a homeowner would go through with their mortgage to see what alternatives there are to foreclosure. Understanding SSH, particularly lease-based models. Contact the RPs that are operating in a council area to identify: Meet with RPs providing lease-based SSH to review each scheme to ensure they fully meet the key SSH criteria: Is it clear what has been commissioned in relation to each SSH scheme? Provide specialized housing counseling and advocacy by carrying a caseload of persons symptomatic with HIV disease who have identified housing needs as a primary or major presenting problem. They informed us weekly on the status of our file from beginning to end of the process. As a consequence, the council has produced an investment prospectus as a way to shape and manage the local supported accommodation market to provide the types of homes that local people with disabilities and older people want and need. For people renting from a social landlord, housing benefit is not restricted to LHA rates. Thank you thank you thank you!! Foreclosure Scams and what they may look or sound like Determining responsibility for payments to providers should be consulted. Housing Resources | County of San Mateo, CA NFCC Specialised Housing Guidance Summary Sheet, Support and development resources for higher risk accommodation. This team is a collaboration among County staff, Front St. Inc and Encompass. Addendum to the Sector Risk Profile 2018 published in April 2019. We are looking for a high energy, committed, and detail . What are the Different Types of Counselors? - Top Counseling Schools checklist 1: for commissioners about ensuring the, checklist 2: for commissioners about how best to ensure the. In relation to rent and service charge levels, exempt means that such accommodation is exempt from the rules that require the council to restrict the maximum rent to a rent officer determination level. Specialized Housing There's no place like an American Training Home. 6754) Email Emily Ziegler. Their resource library contains useful guidance which compliments and should be read alongside NFCC Fire Safety in Specialised Housing guidance. In 1996, a category of supported housing, referred to as exempt accommodation, was created within the regulations to enable housing benefit to meet the additional costs of providing supported housing. It follows on from guidance issued to commissioners in 2019 by NHSE/I, the LGA and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS). Housing Counselor Job Description: Salary, Duties, & More Meet Our Counselors | Johnson County Community College - JCCC Chapter 5Specialized Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Establish from the RPs for each lease-based SSH scheme the extent to which their rents and service charges are eligible for housing benefit. Establish what agreement is in place between the RP and the care provider and whether this is in the interests of the tenants, eg is a tenant able to choose a care provider without it affecting their security of tenure, ie they can stay in their home if they change care provider. As a result of this work, the RSH has published Lease-based providers of specialised supported housing. Consider what changes, if any, are required to the care/support and housing arrangements to best meet the persons assessed needs. It covers advice for commissioners regarding: The advice is predicated on the underlying principle that all housing solutions should be designed to ensure the best interests of the people who will be living in the housing. Understanding the wider supported housing market. Allows the homeowner time to get back on track financially before resuming payment of their mortgage. Improving credit is just one element of becoming loan-ready. This type of plain language guidance for families about housing options, how they work, and the provenance of each option, enables people to be conversant with the financial implications and advantages/disadvantages of different housing options. Housing Benefit Circular A8/2014 extended the categories of supported housing to be excluded from Universal Credit. Whether the RPs are able to demonstrate that they have the systems in place which mean they are able to satisfy commissioners they are providing a housing management and maintenance service that will meet the needs of the tenants. To ensure operational staff are briefed if necessary in relation to any identified risks. Twitter: @HousingLIN @HousingLINews @HLINConsult. Keeping up to date with the RSHs regulatory judgements/notices as necessary. are ordinarily resident in a different council area), and whose care has been arranged by other councils. This is two to three times the size of an earlier estimate of the size of the SSH sector. Equalities monitoring data should be reviewed to ensure that there are no unwarranted variations in the equality characteristics of the people who are living in lease based funded schemes (as opposed to other supported housing arrangements in the area), and also to ensure that all person centred contingency planning takes into account the diverse needs that people may have, arising from their equalities characteristics. From meeting with RPs providing lease-based SSH schemes and with housing benefit teams within the council: From meeting with RPs providing lease-based SSH schemes in the council area: Meet with housing benefit team colleagues: Where applicable, meet with RPs managing lease-based SSH with housing benefit officers to address and resolve any issues regarding rent/service charges and housing benefit eligibility.