I am not sure if you can put it directly on the rabbit, but you can sprinkle the oil outside. He also put him on a general antibiotic. Yoghurt and other probiotics have an ample amount of good bacteria that help stave off many fungal infections. My vet wanted me to ground up timothy hay in a blender, until it is powder, and mix with water, to feed by seringe. I have raised rabbits for about 15 years, when they get ear mites I use a medicine dropper and put about 15 drops of olive oil in each ear. Hope you found it useful. home remedy for rabbit fungus. He stopped eating, drinking, and pooping and I knew it was an emergency. It is advised to keep your toenails short to avoid trapping dirt or ingrown nails. home remedy for rabbit fungus. home remedy for rabbit fungus. These fight off microbes that cause these infections. Once you have the facility sterilized you must clear out the infections in the rabbits before reintroduction or your work will be for naught. 18 Simple Home Remedies For Fungal Infections! Better that antibiotics which can cause major problems in rabbits due to their digestive system. The vet said my buns get wool block because I wasn't feeding them exactly right. The most basic treatment of ear mites is oil in the ear - of any type. No mites. Great tips especially the critical care :-) I was just wondering if you could change something? It has natural healing minerals and stuff in it to heal the wound and if the animal licks it they won't get sick. Also I would consider allowing the animal to have a few snacks that it likes just be aware not to over do it because it could get in the habit to refuse to go back to not eating any normal grain and too much electrolytes (from water and favorite treats) can make it have diarrhea. Hydrogen Peroxide 14. Published January 2005. Im afraid? Crush a couple of garlic with some olive oil and make a paste. To treat the cortisone-like, anti-inflammatory properties, It recommended using licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). You will have to hold the ear and kind of massage it down in the ear. I have not tried any of these myself but was given the list through another rabbit website. Look for products that contain clotrimazole, eucalyptus oil, or undecylenic acid. Try over-the-counter antifungual creams or a drying powder two to three times a day until the rash disappears. anything I can put around the hutch or on them to keep the flease from the wild rabbits at bay? Published 2001. I HOPE IT WORKS. I brought her to the vet in time (you've only got a couple of days to save them if they stop eating), who gave her Critical Care, and the bun was fine in just a couple of hours. You can try antifungal creams, ointments, sprays, shampoos, and foot powders as well. If there is no improvement with these home remedies, seek out medical attention for further treatment. You are most welcome. Pumpkin can be fed the same way if your bunny has wool block. While soap and water may not always be able to eliminate a fungal infection entirely, it helps to keep the spread down and lower the intensity of the infection. Echinacea has mild antibiotic properties as mentioned above, Dandelion root supports the kidneys and acts as a diuretic. Published 2006. We all cheered! Carbo vegetabilis D6 - treatment, bloat/gas, Abdominal distention with cramping pains, worse lying down. Check out Augmentin 625 Uses. Clean the affected area with soap and water twice daily before you apply any home remedies or any other medication. I looked on this website and read about the wonders of apple cider vinegar and put some which was diluted with water on the back of his neck. Often, some of these fungi, such as candida and yeast, may cause infections, especially if the skin is warm or moist. The only options I see right now are doing nothing and watching it grow, or taking him to the oncologist and asking about radiation possibilities. Pumpkin mash can be used to help restore digestive health in a rabbit with constipation or wool block. USA) on 12/10/2008, Posted by Harold (Mae Sot, Thailand) on 03/05/2014, Posted by Dottie (Boca Raton, Florida) on 01/06/2009, Posted by Kathryn (Illinois) on 05/22/2016, Posted by Carolv (West Babylon, Ny, Usa) on 11/28/2010, Posted by Wendie (Whittier, California) on 04/01/2010, Posted by Smeagol (Murrieta, Ca) on 12/06/2012, Posted by WildHeart (Andover, MN) on 05/02/2009, Posted by Calra (Homer, MI/USA) on 04/10/2009, Posted by Velvet Fujita (Us) on 02/07/2017, Posted by Dorothy (Colorado Springs, Co) on 11/28/2009, Posted by Joyce (Arcadia, CA, USA) on 01/05/2009, Posted by Marcy (Kamas, Utah) on 10/22/2016. Very good for their health. A rabbits digestive system functions best with a high-fiber diet. The life cycle of the mite is 21 days, so you would need to treat each animal a couple of times a week for up to 4 weeks - in addition to sterilizing the living quarters. Once she had the seringe in her mouth she did great. Turmeric is a potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory spice. Apply to the infected area for about thirty minutes. I prefer homeopathic even for myself. The following self-care measures can aid symptomatic treatment and can help prevent the spread of infection from one area to another: Several measures can help prevent the occurrence and even the recurrence of fungal infections, such as: Always keep your skin clean and dry, especially the feet and other infection-prone areas such as the armpits and groin. Eat Yoghurt and Probiotics 2. Check out our entire range of skincare products. He attempted to remove the tumor stating that there was not room to get "clean" margins because of the location of the tumor being basically against the opening of his nasal cavity. You might consider giving your bun activated charcoal. I have no idea about such things, but am hoping there is an effective plant that is not toxic to my bunny's internal health in case of ingestion by "licking", but can kill off aggressive fibrosarcoma cancer cells. Its applied twice a day. Using honey is also one of the easiest home remedies for fungal infection as it contains hydrogen peroxide, very effective to kill fungus and bacteria which are responsible for causing skin infections. Published 2011. Jessi from Fairfield, IA, Your advice saved my rabbit! Sort by Default New Loved Belly Massage for Rabbits 2 User Reviews https://peteducate.com/do-rabbits-need-salt/. You are most welcome. So flooding the ears with olive oil, mineral oil, etc. Wear fresh and properly dried clothes every day, use a dry and clean towel, and consult a dermatologist immediately for your skin infection. Living in an unclean environment and not maintaining personal hygiene can cause fungal infections. Back then there were no computers and the vets don't always know about Bunnies. You can supplement this diet with a bit of daily timothy pellets, available from Oxbow (NOT alfalfa pellets - these are only for babies, and fed long enough they can kill an adult). Candid Gold 1% Anti Fungal Cream Tube Of 50 G, Sirona Natural Anti Fungal Therapeutic Body Wash - 200 Ml. Within 5 minutes he jumped into his litter box and went to the bathroom. But here is what I learned from YouTube that really changed things for us: belly massage! Ointments are useless. what can I do? We use to use a little gatorade mixed in the water just a teaspoon or two in a bowl of water every few hours until they were drinking normally. Wash towels, socks, and bathmats with hot water of at least 60C. Honey has antifungal properties against a wide range of fungi, including Candida albicans. Scale fungal too use this remedies. You should first consult a dermatologist to understand the cause of your problem and follow the treatment advised. Also Read: Mucormycosis: The Deadly Fungal Infection In COVID-19 Patients. Once youve cleared up an ongoing infection, to help prevent further occurrences, you might try a continuation of the echinacea and dandelion root combination, along with some cranberry treats several times a week. Garlic 9. it must be said that any bunny who gets infected with mites of any sort is sending the message that something is not right; you may need to increase the quality of the rations you feed your rabbits to provide more vitamins, or more sunlight, and so on. I just today experienced the panic and worry when you realize your bun is not pooping and also not happy. These tips are very useful for us thx and pls keep it up for all the time. I adopted a young bun off someone who had locked her in a cage outside for days left on her own no food etc, it's been a month now and my dog is fine as long as I keep them separate at feeding times, I'm massively struggling with litter training and I keep her out from 8am till at least 11pm, do u use apple cider vinegar in their water?? You also have to feed about a half cup of fresh vegies a day for a medium-sized rabbit (3/4 to 1 cup a day for a giant breed). Just visit there for your bunnies, learn what you can for their sake, and don't let the bullies get to you. A fresh solution of one part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water sprayed on non-porous surfaces and allowed to sit wet for 10 minutes is effective. Erica from South Pasadena Ca Sept 20, 2012. home remedy for rabbit fungus - hillsboro, ohio newspaper classifieds - hillsboro, ohio newspaper classifieds - Its widely know that rabbit is highly social animals and most rabbit pet owner recommends to have two or three compatible rabbits be housed together. I have consulted a skin specialist but after using prescribed medicine my infection got worse. Home remedies for rabbit. The article was very interesting and knowledgeable. Although it goes by the name ringworm, this is not a worm but a fungus, it is also one of the most common types of fungal infections in humans. Crush two cloves of garlic and mix them in olive oil to form a paste. Mix sodium bicarbonate with water to form a paste, and apply it to the affected areas. Term of Use |, For temporary relief, a slippery elm bark (, 6 Effective Ways to Treat a Sick Rabbit with Home Remedies, 5 Things you Should Know Before Starting a Cattle Farm, 5 Ways To Treat Your Sick Cat With Home Remedies, Reasons Why You Should Choose A Rabbit As Your Pet, 6 Effective Method to Treat Rabbit That Wont Eat, 8 Ways to Get Your Pet Rabbit Back in Its Cage, 8 Popular Animals in East African Savanna, 8 Most Popular Animals in Tropical Grassland, 6 Amazing Animals You can Only Find in the Thar Desert. Dear Sanket, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11855736/. Avoid the spread of any infection by getting checked up! You'll want to feed your rabbit grass hays. Just wanted to provide some info to you re; syringes in the trash. My three dogs all died too young following their advise, and not getting enough information from them and those darn shots they push on them all at once. Doing this thrice a day should produce beneficial results. Sharpen your mower blades. when rabbits get ear mites I just spray some coconut oil in their ears. Please always keep a small bottle of Infant GasX on hand and give a full dropper at the first signs of stasis. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-Bobo-home/1409993732632080?sk=timeline&ref=page_internal. Here is a link about ear infection remedy, https://www.allthingsrabbits.com/allthingsrabbitsblog/2019/12/12/ear-infections-amp-how-to-cure-head-tilt. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25219289/. Then you put the plastic tip of the syringe into the side of the bunny's mouth and VERY SLOWLY squeeze out a little at a time. Rabbit supplements from NHV can help your rabbit live a long, healthy life. Shake well before application. You will actually here the stomach start to gurgle. It thus prevents the infection from spreading. Some examples of probiotic foods are yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. In the published works Nutrient Requirements for Rabbits (1977), it states that adding up to 0.5% of a rabbits daily diet in salt appears to be a safe amount. Mix honey with coconut oil, olive oil, or yogurt, and apply the paste to the infected site. I've started using diatamaceous earth, but it is very drying to their fur and doesn't seem to do anything very fast. Especially ones that aren't very good hay eaters. Mix it with any carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and dab over the infected area about three to four times a day. (2) Besides tea tree oil, oregano oil (3) and neem oil also have antifungal properties. I asked if there was an alternative medication I could give smeagol to slow the growth, or fight the cancer and he stated he didn't know of anything that would be safe if accidentally ingested from being on his lip. Wear clean, dry socks every day. I don't know about the ear infection you mention, but I do know one of my pet buns had some kind of bugs or parasites in his ears, and my rabbit vet flushed them with something. This worked wonders as Boo's temperament started to come back to his perky self. They have a great diet (better and fresher than most people) with fresh items and quality hay. I already got a fungal infection on my thigh and foot and its from the last 3-4weeks and in worse condition now. Just wanted to share this with everyone. Pare down to your essential breeding stock and clean those up, along with the facilities and begin anew. I noticed a white cloudy fungus on the eye. Arsenicum album D12 - treatment of indigestion, anxiety, fever, pain and lots more. Therefore, mix a few drops of tea tree oil in a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil. Well, it just isn't healing. I never knew about all the neat things you could feed bunnies, just gave them Timothy Hay and the kibble for them. You can also consume cranberry juice as it contains antifungal properties. The only trouble with this is, some bunnies are very shy about being restrained at all. Pumpkin mash can be used to help restore digestive health in a rabbit with constipation or wool block. Living in hot and humid climates, sweating too much, or wearing damp clothes can result in the development of fungal infections. We had hoped to remove the tumor, then start radiation to kill off any remaining cancer cells understanding fibrosarcomas are extremely aggressive. Hi Jagdish But the reality is timothy does grind up into powder, with alot of tiny splinter size pieces that clog any size seringe. You don't state which kind of mite you have - ear mites may not require such drastic culling as I envision, and a simple carrier oil along with a miticide such as Vectin/ivermectin used in the ear until the mites are resolved might be the way to go. Get any faulty pipes or faucets repaired at the earliest, as fungi can grow easily in moist, cold areas. They both passed, too young. You need to mix lemongrass oil with a carrier oil and dab it on the affected region with a cotton ball or swab two times a day! Pet rabbits can be afflicted with a variety of diseases and health conditions, many of which can be safely addressed with natural home remedies. maid rite recipe with chicken broth. The taylor's Family rabbit farm Ottawa, Ks. I'm a rabbit breeder and I use it all the time in their water. Washing the infected area with neem water helps in treating fungal infections. Echinacea Purpurea acts as an immune- system balancer and not simply as an immune-system stimulant, it can be added to a bunnys food on a daily basis. He said there was something, but it would have to be injected directly into the tumor, would be extremely painful and he feared the medication would not help fast enough to combat the speed at which the tumor is growing. Willow bark (Salixspp.) Moreover, change out of wet clothes immediately after swimming or other water sports. MY bad - you DID state it was ear mites in your title line, and my eyes just didn't pick it up! If it is something you can do however, I'm certain it would be very comforting and helpful for your rabbit. Avoid scratching the affected area as it can worsen the infection and also increase the chances of spreading. Mix 1 tsp of turmeric with coconut or olive oil to form a paste. My 11-year-old miniature rex rabbit BreiiBreii has a bad eye infection, and has swelling near the eye. He is currently on Baytril (antibiotic), Metacam, and buprenorphine. home remedy for rabbit fungus. Please read to find 12 Symptoms That Your Rabbit is Sick article so you can keep an eye on your rabbit and get the help they need. Bayan L, Koulivand PH, Gorji A. Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects. The Rabbits popularity as pets is gradually increasing, and some surveys suggest that their numbers in households actually exceed the total number of pet dogs in this country. Ban Nuea Veterinary Clinic Address: Inthara Khiri Rd., Mae Sot, Tak, Veterinary Clinic Address: Highway 12, Mae Sot, Tak, Mae Sot Livestock Address: Mae Sot-Mae Tao Rd., Mae Sot, Tak, Si Phanit Veterinary Clinic Address: Si Phanit Rd., Mae Sot, Tak. Take care and God Bless. You can styringe some water or the gasx and try to see if their tongue and mouth look normal pink. I used to do the pumpkin treatment until I found the Critical Care, and pumpkin worked pretty well, but failed to work with one bunny who I almost lost to wool block on account of "pumpkin failure." I put 3 drops of vinegar in my rabbits' water, and now they love drinking. I think it may well have saved my bunnies life! I am hoping that instead, there is an alternative treatment that can slow/stop the growth of the rapidly enlarging tumor and keep him comfortable. If I put both hands on either side of bun, she jumps away immediately. I don't like going to vets as they $$$$ you to death. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24623607/. The fungi that cause this condition like being in a wet environment, particularly skin, nails, and shoes. Hi Rashmi, Fungal infections can be contagious in some cases. Walmart usually sells it 3 bunches for a dollar. Diaper rash, athletes foot, jock itch, and oral thrush are some common fungal infections. Some of the people who write in there are pretty snotty, but it's the rabbit health forum on the web. All sorts of tips on how to make your rabbit a successful house bunny are available on www.rabbit.org, the website of the nonprofit organization called House Rabbit Society. So I'm wondering about the information on this site. If your bunny stops pooping, or if her pellets are starting to look small and dry, that's a sign she's blocking up. Over the summer, we re-located to the U. S. , southern california. Apply raw, organic, or medical-grade honey to the affected area and wash after 15 minutes. Some of the most common rabbit diseases include: Snuffles Encephalitozoonosis Flystrike Bordetella bronchiseptica Staphylococcosis Fortunately, most of these are relatively easy to treat and prevent as long as you know what you're looking for. You mix a little of this stuff with water, suck it up into a big syringe (one about the size of your middle finger, being sure to remove the needle and toss it in the trash before you work with the bunny!). Love the animals, we are their voice. I've found the Critical Care quickly eliminates wool block (you give it 4 to 6 times a day until they start eating and pooping normally again). Most of a rabbits nibbling gives him plenty of coarse fiber. (14). Consult a doctor for a medical diagnosis and treatment if you do not notice any improvement within 45 days. This diseasecan happen when your rabbit has messy rear due to urinal or poop leakage and not get treated either. Adding ginger to our diet in the form of ginger tea effectively helps to prevent and treat fungal infections like Candida. Ideally, if you could reduce or consolidate the population down to 2 barns, you could then put your efforts into sterilizing the empty barn. The hypodermic needle is the part that is unsafe to discard in ordinary household trash. Ragged, frayed blades of grass are more susceptible to developing fungal disease than. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; which yttd character are you uquiz. In its unheated form, even coconut oil works as a potent antifungal agent. Also when using critical care, I offfered my rabbit water often. Around the end of Sept. 2012 he went to the vet for neutering surgery. I just love animals. Home > Skin & Beauty > Fungal Infections > 9 Home Remedies for Fungal Infections and Prevention Tips. These eggs will hatch into maggots within 24 hours. Most buns only live a year as pets, studies show, because owners make mistakes with their diet or other errors with these delicate creatures. American journal of therapeutics. I had two bunnies at different times years ago and never knew all that I have read here. Check out Abzorb Antifungal Soap. Make sure you're taking your bunny to a vet who sees a lot of rabbits. Wearing clothes that are too tight can cause sweating, providing the necessary moisture for the accelerated growth of fungi. Sheth CC; Makda K; Dilmahomed Z; Gonzlez R; Luzi A; Jovani-Sancho Mdel M; Veses V; Alcohol and tobacco consumption affect the oral carriage of Candida albicans and mutans streptococci. Applying baking soda powder on our feet and the inside of our shoes helps to absorb moisture and sweat. And guess what? After a few minutes, let it simmer. Glad you liked it, keep supporting and stay tuned for more such articles. The environment of the rabbit should be cleaned carefully: vacuum cleaning, boiling of towels and cleaning of surfaces with 1:10 bleach water. Published 2007. I have house rabbits that picked up mange mites possibly from a pair of guinea pigs we took in. (11), Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can act as an antifungal agent, especially against Candida species, making it a great candidate for denture stomatitis treatment. Recently my 9 year old rabbit has a ear infection, I took him to the vet he prescribed antibiotics.,no cure so far just started with antibiotics. Change or clean the filter of your indoor humidifiers and air purifiers regularly. This site provides content for informational purposes only. His lip looked worse also. 2. As the oil is running down the ear, the rabbit will try to shake the oil out. This essential oil enjoys both anecdotal and scientific evidence on its use as an antifungal agent. If you have a rabbit that is overweight or a female that has a large dewlap, then it may be hard for them to clean themselves properly. please. Wash the affected area, pat it dry, and apply a thin layer of the paste over the infection site. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about our next ride. Effective Home Remedies For Foot Fungus -. (Exercise and plenty of water are important for maintaining intestinal motility - the constant movement through of food. Tea tree oil has potent antimicrobial properties that can help ward off fungal infections. Rinse with water after about 15 minutes. Hope this helps. And 12 hours after that her appetite came back. more. There are several things you can do to clear out the infections in the rabbits; environmentally friendly ones are labor intensive and require repeated bathing of the infected animal - and require the infected animal to be in quarantine so as not to be reinfected during treatment. Some ear cleaners even have anti-yeast ingredients, while others are more geared towards bacterial infections. They absolutely love it. 17. It founded that some of the household rabbit diets are Too Varied they provide good protein and well-ground grains but not enough fibrous material. Disclaimer: Avoid using these remedies internally, such as douching to treat vaginal thrush. Users also report the effectiveness of ACV for the treatment of scalp and ringworm infections. Apply a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil over the area. Published 2014. Published 2013. Try a few drops of h202 in your pet's filtered water. 3. Go barefoot to let your feet air out as much as possible when you're home. 1. Always take a shower and use fresh clothing after exercising or spending time outdoors if you sweat a lot. All flea free has over 200 hundred natural vitamins and minerals treat ear mites, ring worm and more. I did this twice a day. All essential oils must be diluted before use. By knowing the kind of infection your pet has, or is prone to, your veterinarian can select an ear cleaner that is not only safe, but will work much much better than rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide! By Nikita Banerjee +2 It protects our body from various infections. The vet inserted a needle in order to get a fluid sample. 3. Your doctor will modify the ongoing treatment if required. Wash the area with lukewarm water after 30 minutes. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight since these can reduce airflow to your skin and increase local sweating, which together will increase the risk of fungal infection. So rabbit sometimes suffered a belly problem due to lack of fiber diet. Use Coconut Oil 6. Read more about Anantamul: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects. Your veterinarian can provide an ear cleaner that is appropriate for your specific pet. The use of occlusive clothing, such as nylon pantyhose, can increase the risk of fungal infections. If a fungal infection is left untreated, it may lead to serious health problems, such as skin infections, fatigue, oral thrush and others. There was no sign of abrasion, cut, bite or reason for the lump. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. Want to keep your skin smooth and healthy? If you would like to thank Theresa for her helpful posts, she asks if you would please consider making a donation to one of her favorite local rescue organizations, or by making a donation to help the genius contributor, Ted from Bangkok, recover from his stroke. Searching for best anti-fungal soap? Manohar V; Ingram C; Gray J; Talpur NA; Echard BW; Bagchi D; Preuss HG; Antifungal activities of origanum oil against Candida albicans. Use Tea Tree Oil 5. Stay healthy! Home Rabbit 6 Effective Ways to Treat a Sick Rabbit with Home Remedies. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. The wonderful Theresa from Minneapolis, MN has been helping pet owners and their beloved pets around the world on Earth Clinic since 2013. Thank you. Licorice is naturally bestowed with anti-inflammatory or anti-microbial properties and is therefore perfect to take care of fungal infections. My vet, who is a rabbit specialist, has me keep a product called "Critical Care" on hand for wool block emergencies. Also, read thebenefits of garlic for health. Similar to ringworm but on the feet especially between the toes, red scaly skin, Occurs in the groin and thigh area, most common in men, red rash with itchiness that may worsen with exercise, scaly appearance, Affects the scalp and hair shafts, common in children, bald patches are common along with redness, tenderness and pain may occur, The yeast is present on healthy skin but certain triggers can lead to overgrowth of the fungus, oval patches on the skin (chest, back, arms), lighter or darker than the surrounding skin, Occurs under the finger and toenails, leads to discoloured and brittle nails, nail thickness may increase, Trichophyton but many fingernail infections are caused by Candida (yeast type of fungus). Even so, please prioritize your rabbit to get veterinary care to make your rabbit healthy and able to live a long life. (10), Studies show that sodium bicarbonate is effective in killing common skin and nail fungal infection agents. I saw your advice, and made a vet appointment to get "critical care" from my vet. Rather than only giving some homemade remedy, you should give them treat it as soon as possible, should you cannot reach your vet, please follow this guide. While fungal infections are very frequent, the good news is that simple self-care measures and home remedies can help manage and prevent these infections. Soak the infected site in a sodium bicarbonate solution for 15 minutes. The bottom of a rabbit food pyramid would contain long-stemmed ber, in the form of hay, which makes up 80 to 90 percent of a rabbit's diet. Let us take a look at some of them. Keep the area dry and moisture-free. I use flea free in there water it keeps fleas, flys, tick, mosqetios and other blood sucking hungery animals off them. I poured buttermilk on her and left it for 15 mins. However, no scientific evidence supports this claim. Grapefruit seed extract effectively inhibits the Candida albicans biofilms development on polymethyl methacrylate denture-base resin. Wear good socks and change socks regularly. The vet thinks it's either glaucoma or a cyst. stevensville montana murders. Home Remedies: For conjunctivitis and other eye issues, rabbit owners often use echinacea (dietary or as an eye drop) or chamomile drops to soothe and restore eye health. hurricane elizabeth 2015; cheap houses for sale in madison county; stifel wealth tracker login; zadna naprava peugeot 206; 3 days a week half marathon training plan; Stay healthy and safe! Don't let them hurt your feelings if one of them gets nasty. So as such, they require your energy, time and professionalveterinary care (for their health and medical purposes) as same as pet cat and dog. free shipping over $100 (USA & Canada) 1-877-937-4372 the pet expert hotline. Do not apply any creams without consulting your doctor.